Paradoxical hypertrichosis - pictures included!

Laser setting on whole neck

These were the settings used

Sorry but I’m not trained for laser. Fenix has some more knowledge than I do or maybe Nora will know what the heck were looking at. Either way, I’d be the wrong person to advise you on that.

Sorry i hv never heard of this machine. But the scientific fact & principle still do apply to all cases and all machines:

To obtain ultimate greater reduction from laser, laser hair removal won’t b effective unless u follow instructions below:

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did the hairs all fall out a few weeks after each laser treatment?

The area would definitely feel smoother post LHR. After about a week, it would start growing back

so, i had a very similar situation to yours (i’m an indian male btw). i actually only needed LHR on my shoulders. i had a few sporadic hairs on my back but it was barely noticeable (really wished i just did electrolysis on them). anyways, the laser technician said she’ll do my full back/shoulders just so everything is even, and did my neck as well. it caused a lot of paradoxical hypertrichosis. the neck was straight up stubble. a couple months ago, i found a good electrologist to sort out my neck. ive done probably 5 treatments, and it’s like 70% better. most of the hairs that are still around are thin, but there’s a few thicker ones left.

i did get PIH (hyperpigmentation), but it hasn’t been too bad because i haven’t picked any scabs. honestly, hyperpigmentation is better than neck stubble because i know it will go away on its own, and there are products to help treat it as well exfoliation.

i have paradoxical hypertrichosis on my entire back still, but atleast i can just hide that for a bit. still figuring out how to go about fixing it. i could do electrolysis but it will take a while to get through. i was considering trying to wax a couple times and see if that reduces some hair density first, but we’ll see…

anyways, i was pretty distraught about my neck, felt embarassed, avoiding socializing for a bit. thank god for my electrologist cause she saved me. hope you find a good one too, and it’ll take some time to get back to 100% but it’s possible.

I understand how it affects you mentally. I also rarely got out much in the summer because if I wore a t shirt, it was clearly visible. Completely knocks your confidence.

I found a really good electrologist. I have had 6 appts and done a total of 5 hrs and 15 mins. I have had one 2 hour appt but, i think that was too much for my skin, so stick with 1 hour.

I feel little to no pain, and often find myself taking a nap during sessions. My electrologist explained my neck is well moisturised, and the hairs come out really easy with a low setting explaining the lack of pain experienced. Not sure if these lower settings mean it will take longer tho.

In terms of hyperpigmentation, I have not had this side effect yet. My skin does get red and lumpy/swollen but dies down after 2-3 days.

I have noticed a HUGE improvement already. The skin looks more natural and the shadows/thick prickly hair are going away slowly.

Excited to see what the future holds!