Palomar vs. Aurora

I am a dark blonde that goes to tanning bed 2-3 times a week. I have mostly blonde but a few black hairs and would like to have them permanently removed from my bikini area (Brazilian with hair removed in rear but ‘landing strip’ left in front), underarms, chin and upper lip.

I have been quoted $2,200 by 2 different local vendors. One uses Aurora and one uses Palomar.

I had been plucking my chin and upper lip. I’ve been allowing them to grow for the past week while researching laser treatments. I have SEVERAL long blonde hairs and a few black ones growing out of my chin already. (Will need to use my husband’s razor soon!) I had been plucking my pubic hairs as well and tend to get ingrown hairs due to past waxing.

Which laser treatment do you think would be best for me? Aurora or Palomar?

From what I have gathered from reading lots and lots of laser posts - neither apparatus will satisfy you.

If you can find a skilled electrologist in your locale, these areas could be permanently taken care of within about a year for far less than $2,200.

You’d be doing yourself a favor to read as much as you can on the laser and electrolysis forums here on hairtell.


laser is not a good option for you. period. 2 reasons. 1. your hair is mostly blond. 2. your skin is too tanned.

please read the electrolysis section of this forum and find a good electrologist to perform this. that’s your best bet for permanent removal. and run far away from the places that actually said you’re a candidate for laser. I am almost positive the Aurora place is the chain that gets negative reviews here on a regular basis. what those quotes show is only that they only have their best interests in mind, not yours.

am a dark blonde that goes to tanning bed 2-3 times a week.

Kitty, I used to go to tanning beds about that often as well. I now see that the skin’s health really has to be considered when continuing tanning bed use. You’re using them at very, very high rates. Those sessions can really add up in the constant chase to keep that tan glow. When those places sell unlimited packages, they know you’ll be back for more. They want people to keep renewing that membership in the quest to keep super tan. I now see why they think those tanning beds are addictive and why they want kids to get parental permission for use of them. I couldn’t help resisting a session!

Before, I’d scoff at the concept of instant tanning lotions, or spray-on coloring, but now, on the whole, I think it keeps women’s skin far healthier. Consider those methods. Also consider that plucking and tanning beds spell ‘pigment spots’. Not so much in your case because you’re dark blond, but they could still happen if you’re plucking the darker hairs. Just food for thought from someone here that has gone down that road.


As far as your hair removal you are not really a good candidate. You could treat the black hairs (if you stopped tanning) but unless you have a lot of them, you would probably be better served by electrolysis.

The tanning is another issue. I hope you are still pretty young. If so, take a look around you at some of the older woman walking around who look really old, yet are only in their 40s. Talk to them, they will tell you that they tanned heavily when they were younger.

There are two types of Ultraviolet light that reaches the earth’s surface (not countint the stuff under the ozone hole in Antartica). These are UVA and UVB. UVB is what really tans you and is what probably is most implicated in skin cancer. But the UVA is a deeper penetrating wavelength and is what causes skin damage and most aging. Melanin doesn’t do a good job of blocking it. The single biggest thing one can do to look younger all your life is to stay out of the sun and use a sunscreen with zinc oxide every day of the year.

A little aside. Why do we have melanin? What is the evolutionary advantage of it?

Most people would say to prevent skin cancer. Except that skin cancer occurs later in life and usually long after one has children and have passed on your genes. So there is no evolutionary advantage to preventing skin cancer. In fact, for most of human evolution, our life expectancy was less than the average time to develop skin cancer.

Actually, ultraviolet light is implicated in destroying folate in the skin and causing folate deficiency. Folate deficiency is related to birth defects. With today’s diet, it isn’t an issue but the thinking is that melanin was developed as a means of maintaining high levels of folate during child bearing when nutritional levels were much less robust. Just an FYI.

I don’t use the aurora, but I use the Comet by the same company. I think that it is much more effective, is similar to a Lightsheer but is faster. I’d like to get other people’s experience with this laser, if they have any. I have futher info available on

um. this is an ad for the link he gives. i’ve had to delete several posts just advertising it on the other forum already. Mantaray actually used this machine and no, it’s not good and it’s not the same as LightSheer, although it has a diode component.