Hi guys. Posted here before about my treatments with my electrologist. Great guy and I’ve had few problems but we can’t figure this one out. I have been getting treatments every day for a few months now; I’d like to finish this before I leave the country and travel for a year. My skin generally does fine but I get two types of spots. One is a painless pustule that slowly forms. As Michael on these forums has recommended, I just get the junk out. Those usually heal up. Then I get these little bumps that slowly develop a white spot and they are very very painful. I have to wait and keep removing the pus. They heal fine but again painful when they are there, red, and the pus is gross.
I started electrolysis because I work in sales and felt conscious about my hair. Having little pus spots is not necessarily better. I have spoken to my electrologist but we aren’t sure what to do. Most of these aren’t ingrown hairs. They don’t happen everywhere but when they do, they hurt. My after care is a gentle cleanser with warm water, cream with benzoyl peroxide and some vaseline to prevent everything from drying out. I also use witch hazel before or after. My electrologist does not prep the skin beforehand with alcohol because my skin is normally so dry.
This is stressful and painful. The bumps are not huge - just 1 - 3 mm and slightly raised. They are not deep but they keep producing more stuff…again do not really scar but sure what to do