pain after shaving

yesterday i shaved my legs. (male, dark hair)
now whenever i get cold or goosebumps, i find it very very uncomfotable on my legs. I guess it is the hairs standing up on end, but i cant believe how panful it is.
It feels like being pricked by pins all over!

Is this normal? How do cyclist and swimmers cope doing this all the time??

I can’t say Iv’e found a solution Morrissey but I do find the same thing especially on my thighs. What I found was, originally, when I used to shave my back when I went on holiday I had that same reaction, pins pricks all over the place when you get goose pimples. Then after I had about 3 or so treatments with laser this feeling reduced. I think it may have something to do with the thickness of the hair and the sensitivity of the skin where the hair is located, although I’m not sure.

Maybe someone else on here has found a way to combat this, would be good to know for future reference.


Well guys…I think perhaps guys are more sensitive on their legs, perhaps it’s because they are not used to shaving them like us women do. I shave mine and yes mine get stubbly, they do catch from time to time, but I can honestly say…it’s not painful!

Yes your right about laser treatment making this less painful Benji. I have had laser on my chest, and i dont get any pain there.

I just wish there was a solution before you’ve had several laser session.

Max, i think it must be worst for guys cos we have much coarser leg hair. Either that, or we are all wimps… But it definatly hurts me alot!

Have you seen the difference between man hairs and lady hairs? Men have much thicker hairs, and they sometimes grow deeper as well. Now along comes a LASER and it causes that hair to become like melting or exploding plastic inside your skin. Oh yeah, that sounds comfortable.

Yes, men are wimps, but on this, it is at least more painful to begin with. :wink:

Laser? Hurt? Havem’t you heard read all that lovely marketing… “it causes a small amount of discomfort for some clients, much like an elastic band flicking against the skin”.

Hmmmmmm… :crazy:

I agree with Maxine. You’re just not used to it. My legs feel weird too when I shave them after I skip it for a few weeks :slight_smile: