ortho tri-cyclen?

My endocrinologist prescribed ortho tri-cyclen for me. Does anyone have experience with this drug? I don’t know what scares me more, losing my hair or gaining lots of weight!

I have been taking ortho tri cyclen for 4 years now.
Some of my friends have been on it, or are on it, and our response to it has been very variable. It really is a personal thing how one reacts to a particular birth control pill’s type of hormones and dosages of them.
Personally, I am very happy with it. Took rid of the little acne I had, made my periods light and painless, has worked wonderfully as birth control, didn’t make me gain any weight at all, except for some little weight in my breasts (but I am happy with that side effect). I haven’t experienced mood swings from it, nor any negative effect. The first weeks it made me a little nauseous, though, and I had some spotting for the first three months.
All and all, I am happy with it.

Thanks Elena- Did it help with hair growth on the face?

Does anyone have an anecdote to tell about whether or not it helps to diminish hair growth? I am looking for a miracle to help prevent hair growth!

Yes and no :smile: .
See, here’s the thing. It does help at the hair in your face not increasing, because of one of its components acting partially as an anti-testosterone. BUT it is not as strong as other anti-tosterones (like spironolactone or the progestagen in the pill Yasmin, for example, or Diane). This will help you at not getting more hair, and at keeping it a bay, but not to reduce it :smile: .

i’ve been taking this for the past 3 weeks, (i’m on the blue pill right now) i told my doctor about all the problems that i was having ( abnormal hair growth, mood swings,irregular periods) and that’s why he put me on this pill, and he said that this will fix everything… well it hasn’t yet, but i’m guessing it’s way to early to judge anything…

To reduce the chances that you will grow excess hair, you need to reduce as many factors in your life that lead to the conditions that lead to excess hair.

Drink an ounce of water for every pound you weigh. (do the math and split it up, it is easy if you try. What’s that you say? If you drank that much water, you would not drink anything else? I think you are starting to get the idea now!)

Eat a balanced Breakfast as soon as possible when you wake up. Don’t let an hour go by after waking without eating (coffee and donuts are not breakfast, you need protein, fiber, fruit and vegetable sources)

During the day, don’t let 3 hours go by without a balanced meal, if you go to long without food, your metabolism crashes and your allocation of nutrients is off balance.

Avoid things that cause hormonal imbalances like artificial sweeteners, excess weight gain, anorexic weight loss, bulimia.

Get your body fat in line if it is not where it should be. Get your metabolism working, and alkaline (there are tests for this, including inexpensive home saliva and body fluid test kits)

If you have excess hair, migraines, weight gain, painful periods, PMS and or depression, the good news is most of your problems could be solved with better management of your body’s water and nutritional needs.

PS, and if you did not get the point, smoking, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, processed sugar and other addictive substances are not a part of good body management. Follow this advice and you could lose 20 pounds doing nothing else, even if you think I don’t know what I am talking about in regards to excess hair.

roma18, have you been to an endocrinologist specifically, not just a gyno or a regular physician? this particular type of doctor is one who can help you figure out what the problem is and what the best solution is in your case.