oral medication with hair removal method

O.K, I wanted to know if there is any oral medication that works really well at reducing hair with a hair removal method (electrolysis, laser, waxing…). Like will it reduce the amount of hair you have faster? I heard that flutamide and laser hair reoval works really well together. Will using flutamide reduce the amount of laser hair removal sessions needed to have permanent hair removal???

What you propose would be unlikely, and even if something could do it, such would be unwise.

Most prescription drugs attack the liver, kidney, and other vital organs, and most doctors don’t tell you vital information that might allow you to compensate for these types of interactions. If something could do what you describe, and I don’t know of anything that would. The side effects would be hell to pay.

(Ok, I do know some things that would work, but they all would make men grow breasts, become impotent, and lose upper body muscle mass.)

I agree with James on this. You should only use that if you are a transsexual and with a doctors approval and supervision.

It could help reduce your body hair somewhat, but wouldn’t do much for your facial hair.

It would also have the side effects he described and more. I can’t see any doctor prescribing it for the reasons you described. But, if you wanted to change sex they might if you have first gone to counseling.


Some, diagnosed with hirsutism, are prescribed aldactone.
I used it for a short while, a long time ago.
I was concerned about contraindications.

Hi Arlene:

Aldactone is the same as spironolactone. It is not recommended for women who could become pregnant due to the possible adverse affect on male fetuses.

Yes, I mentioned the brand I used, not the generic.
As I mentioned, its a good idea to read the contraindication info.
Most of us do not.
I noted above that I decided to stop using it.

Jacob’s name sounds M to me but who knows, maybe Jacob is F and pregnancy is an issue.

Hoping everyone would check out the side effects of drugs.

Avodart seems to help. It is for men ONLY.

Avodart is prescribed for prostate enlargement, and one side effect is that it stops (and appears to increase growth) in male pattern baldness. My client using it had a softening of facial hair that I would compare to spironolactone taken by other transgender clients. Other side effects are: Breast tenderness, decreased sex drive, ejaculation problems, enlarged breasts in males, hives, impotence, itchy spots, rash.

Well then, I hope my hubby never has to take avodart!
I am going to start researching ways to prevent prostate problems with diet.

Still, it looks like the safest and best bet for hair removal is electrolysis and for those who are good candidates, laser.

O.K, just to clarify, I m a girl…and I don’t care about the side effects it has on pregnancy because I just want to get rid of my freakin excess body hair. It drives me nuts and it makes me depressed. And I don’t think I’d mind if it made my boobs bigger, what girl would?

They can be helpful in reducing hair growth in some conaumers, but it’s important to discuss possible unwanted side effects with your physician. Drugs that can reduce hair growth
Some prescription oral medications have been found to affect hair growth.
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I don’t get why transsexuals get to take triple the amount of hormones and other pharmaceutical drugs to change themselves because they feel “weird” and “uncomfortable” in their bodies but when a female whose self-esteem is being crushed by body hair wants to take a low dose anti-androgen medicine everyone gets up in arms about it! It doesn’t seem fair.

You should understand transsexuals cannot simply ask for hormones and receive a prescription. They require a referral letter from a licensed therapist before hormones can ever be prescribed.

Females with excessive hair growth can have blood tests to assess their levels of androgens/testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and other hormones. Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is another condition that causes hirsutism, and can be diagnosed by most doctors.