Years ago, I was told by two electrologists standing next to each other at a promotional event that blend doesn’t need to be used on distorted follicles BECAUSE the probe will cause the follicle to bend along with it as it is inserted. Is that true? It seems to contradict the illustration and descriptions on page 200 and 201 of the book “Milady’s Hair Removal Techniques”. It shows the needle puncturing the bottom of the follicle in “too deep” insertions, and the side of the follicular wall in “incorrect angle” insertions. Not that I think “too deep” is necessarily bad, as I think Josefa has or had a video of her demonstrating this technique (as she has other videos demonstrating efficacy (or lack thereof) of various different types of techniques, such as the “ULTRA-lysis technique”, “Multiple-pulses technique”, etc.: )
where she purposefully punctured the bottom of the follicle (the papilla), and blood came up on one of them at least. I remember reading a post here on HairTell of someone saying a very well-known electrologist purposely punctures the bottom of the follicle once straight-down, then from an angle from the right side, and then from an angle from the left side. But maybe this electrologist only did that for the video as a teaching tool, and doesn’t do it for every client or everyday. In any event, it does look like she “swirls” around the filament in a clockwise and counter-clockwise circular motion in at least some videos, and this “Milady’s Hair Removal Techniques” book, on page 201, has a paragraph titled “Probe Movement in the Follicle” says,
“One the probe has slid into the follicle, take care not to move it. Focus and a steady hand are vital while applying the treatment energy to ensure there is no movement. Movement during insertion causes tissue damage.” I can understand not withdrawing the needle UPWARDS while the current is still on, because that can damage the epidermis on top of the skin, but what’s so bad about “leaning on the infundibulum”, as is written underneath the illustration of the needle being pulled to the right side and the words “HF shorts”? It cases the thermolysis current to short circuit? Why is it so terrible to have a bit of blood come up onto the top of the skin?
Can bulbous probes cause distorted follicles to straighten out before current is applied?