Hello All,

Can anybody tell me,what is the longest time they have had the ONE-TOUCH NEEDLE in the hair root when it is on the highest setting. I have 4 very very thick hairs left,I have been unable to remove them,I have been trying to remove them on the highest setting for 90 sec but no luck (5 goes over a year)


Your problem probably isn’t in trying to use the highest setting at a long time period. Other causes may be from one of the following:

  1. Make sure the unit is actually conducting electricity. A dead battery, a broken wire, or faulty contacts could prevent the galvanic process from having a complete circuit. At the highest setting, you are probably feeling it, so this is probably not your cause. If acid bubbles out of the follicle at the surface while the power is on, then that is also a good indication that electricity is flowing (although this is not always visible).

  2. If the hair root is very deep, you need to get the end of the probe down far enough. Also if it is deep, you must follow the path to the root; it is sometimes easy to enter the follicle at the surface and penetrate the skin with an insertion that is angled away from the root.

  3. Some hairs, even thick ones, have a very shallow root, just below the skin surface. When you zap these hairs, sometimes the root has a ball head which is larger than the follicle opening and even though it is killed, the ball requires force to pull through the opening at the surface. So the hair sometimes feels like it was not killed when it was just hard to remove after the fact.

  4. If there is a bit of scabbing around the hair at the surface (sometimes more than one hair comes through the surface of the skin at the same place, even when different follicles are producing the hairs, either at different angles or depths, and a previously killed hair may have left some skin still repairing itself from a previous over treatment), the zapped hair has difficulty being pulled through the tougher hard scab skin, making it feel like the root was not destroyed.

  5. Sometimes it is actually a different hair than the one you worked on previously. It’s really hard to remember the exact placement of hairs of the cycle of a hair (usually around 6 weeks) and since different hairs can emerge from the exact same follicle hole at the surface, they can fool you.

  6. If you zap the hair at the wrong point in it’s cycle (too late), you will never kill it permanently. When you first spot the hair again, immediately treat it so that it is treated during it’s growth stage of the cycle. When I’m treating an area, my first pass is what I call maintenance, zapping stragglers that emerge in the area I’ve already worked on during previous sessions, then I can hopefully have enough time to work on the area that I’ve not yet worked on to reduce the hairs in the overall project area.

If I treat a hair that just seems like it would not come out with the normal easy pull, after trying different angles and different depths, I’ll either wait another week or continue with enough force to tweeze it and examine the root carefully to determine if any of the above causes were affecting it, so that I am more educated the next time it comes through it’s cycle.