Olive Skin - Fine Hair

I had my first treatment today … back of my neck … as I want to see if I will have any results due to my skin color and nature of hair. I have similar hair all over my body.

They used Gentlelase on me – I do not know the settings … but I did not feel anything… except some redness near my hair line.

I have my next appointment in Jan and then another in Feb… that is all I plan to do, to check if laser is useful for my types or not.

I will try to record my results.

P.S. – I have seen people doing that here, and I like personal feedback more than anything else. So, I will contribute my share.

I am Type-IV and have black baby hairs all over my body. I am getting my neck treated with Gentlelase. First Treatment – Dec-17.

The Gentlelase is not good for Type IV skin. If they were to use enough fluence for your skin type, you are likely to have scabbing and significant post treatment redness. If you didn’t feel anything during treatment, you were most likley undertreated.

A Nd:YAG laser is much better for your skin type. A Lightsheer diode with super long pusle widths would be a good second choice. The Comet RF/diode laser would be worth trying if you can find one in your area. Some forum members here have had very good results with it.


Keep us informed on how things go. Unfortunately I also have fine hair all over my body. It’s not extremely bad in a sense, but its enough that it bothers me. They’re fine hairs, but a little pigment can be seen in the light.

I’m very light skinned, not sure what # though.


I could not find Comet at any of the laser centers posted in my city [Denver] out in this forum.

Somehow, I am not very positive about it anyways – as I know I have very fine hair … even the nurse mentioned that to me.

Not sure, it might work for you, of you are skin type 3 – but if you visit a good laser center they will let you know. For me, the doctor told me that I should only try a small area and see if it works for me.

I was quite nervous, which was another reason I guess they kept the settings pretty low on me. I will speak-up next time to the level where I can feel a pin-prick and if that is not too high to damage my skin!

I will provide you the feedback though.

Hey badchc,

I have been treated with the Comet laser on the fine hair on my hands with great success. However I am a skin type III…

The company that makes the Comet, Syneron, claims that the added RF (radio frequency) technology in its laser systems allows for successful treatment of fine hairs. There is a whole bunch of info on it at Syneron’s website. It’s worth checking out.

You can read my about my treatments in my thread. I have pics so you might want to check it out. There is a link to it in my signature.

Btw, if you are looking for a practice with Comet, there is a form that you can fill out at Syneron’s website and they will email you a list of practices in your area. Thats how I found the place I go to. Heres the link: http://www.syneron.com/contact-patient.html

Good Luck!

in your situation, you definitely need a good laser and experienced tech to try to get rid of the hair. darker skin and fine hairs is not a very good combo for laser. it works best on light skin and dark coarse hair since it’s attracted to the dark pigment and with light skin, high settings can be set that makes the energy directed right at the hair instead of the surrounding skin.

Yag laser is usually best for dark skin, but it doesn’t work as well on fine hair. if you want to try it, definitely make sure you have a good tech and i would only try a small area first before committing and paying up front.

the other option is to try a diode like LightSheer. but you will also need an experienced tech who will be willing to do a bunch of test spots to see what the highest level of settings he can treat you at without burning your skin. if your skin can handle at least 35 joules, then go with it.

comet is your other option, but i would still only test spot first before committing so you don’t end up wasting your money. if none of those work, there is always electrolysis. it works best on finer hair actually.


I have had 3 treatments with Coolglide xeo, nd:yag laser. I would have to say that after these three treatments I have seen a very good reduction I am approximately 5 weeks nearing 6 weeks post third treatment. I had fine hairs on my abs, not extremely fine its hard to judge ‘what fine actually is’ I consider relatively fine, and the result has been rathering encouraging. Up until now I have only been semi satisfied with the result, this last treatment and amount of regrowth has been really really encouraging. It is making me think to do other areas which have fine hair.

So, I would say this to you, the coolglide xeo claims to be able to target finer hair and at present I would have to agree with its capability in doing this. Weather the reduction will last or I will see alot of regrowth in the next few weeks remains to be seen.

By the way I have type 3 or 4 skin bit of a mix. Olive complexion I would say.


I have had 3 treatments with Coolglide xeo, nd:yag laser. I would have to say that after these three treatments I have seen a very good reduction I am approximately 5 weeks nearing 6 weeks post third treatment. I had fine hairs on my abs, not extremely fine its hard to judge ‘what fine actually is’ I consider relatively fine, and the result has been rathering encouraging. Up until now I have only been semi satisfied with the result, this last treatment and amount of regrowth has been really really encouraging. It is making me think to do other areas which have fine hair.

So, I would say this to you, the coolglide xeo claims to be able to target finer hair and at present I would have to agree with its capability in doing this. Weather the reduction will last or I will see alot of regrowth in the next few weeks remains to be seen.

By the way I have type 3 or 4 skin bit of a mix. Olive complexion I would say.

The Xeo platfrom includes the 1064nm laser and the Prowave 770 IPL. Which one were you treated with? It is encouraging to see that the Coolglide is working on fine hair. If everything goes as planned, I will be trying the Xeo on my arms and neck next week. All that’s left on my arms and shoulders is fine hair and I reached the point of diminishing returns with the Lyra-i. I started electrolysis on my shoulders and it went faster than I expected. If the PPx or the Coolglide don’t work I may finish that up with electrolysis.

Practitioners with the Comet are very rare in this area. The rep who was doing the PPx demo said the Comet was designed to compete with the Lightsheer and that the diode laser is doing almost all the work anyway. But he said the diode is a good laser.


I am definately being treated with the 1064nm laser, my tech said that ipl isnt the greatest for hair removal. I started electro myself on those areas…however I stopped after about 1 and half months because my skin doesnt take to it very kindly. So, I am exploring the option of using the xeo…on my back and shoulders. It is fine hair but it is dark. So, I figure it is worth a shot. I just need to save up some money for it. For such a large area it costs a bit.

Keep in mind my experience on fine hair is good, however the xeo definately has worked best on the thicker hairs. I’d love to hear your experience on how you find it on your arms etc, that is probably more like the hair I have on the back. Just a guess but chances are it is.

Thanks. Syneron does not have any practitioner using Comet in my area. They came back with a couple of practitioners around here who use elos technology.

Not sure if that is for Type IV, fine hair types.

look for LightSheer with a good experienced practitioner as well. But make sure to do test spots before committing.

Thanks. Finally, I found a place that has Lighsheer diode and Cynosure YAG. It is quite far from where I live, but they are open on Saturday and that can work for me.

They agreed to do test spots on me and have an option of either taking package or single treatment.

I will be visiting them on Dec-31.

Treatment Date - 12/17/2005
I do not know if there had been any shedding - but I still cannot see any hair, but I can feel that they are coming back.

My 2nd treatment is due Jan-14.

Just reading posts around here, I am only worried about triggering hair growth than treatment being successful or Not.

I have completely dropped the idea of LHR on my fine hairs … not bothered about positive results, but the negative ones – especially with Type IV skin with fine hair.

Oh, but I did try the same Gentle Lase laser on my under-arms, and boy that hurts and I have seen few of them starting to shed.

So, just to answer coarse hair – is like when your boy friend does not shave for a day … and you rub your face on his … that is coarse. And, laser does work on these sort of hair.

I did not go to the Lightsheer place, it is just way too far from where I live and I guess I am not all that motivated, especially for the reason I am not positive that LHR will work for me anywhere except underarms, bikini and maybe lower legs. And, I compare them to a man’s beard when it comes to coarseness.

And one more thing, I had electrolysis treatment for the fine hair on the back of the neck and it hurt me less than laser on under-arms. I have very fine hair as mentioned, and my elctrologist told me - that translates to fewer treatments as they will respond quickly. I really like her. I had redness for about 2 hours and then my skin was absolutely normal. I could have actually pulled my hair up.

If things go well with this, I will go ahead with electrolysis on my treasure trail as well.