Whats the deal with plucking and shaving? If I can not afford to do the so called greatest thing when it comes to HAIR REMOVAL known as Electrolysis!! Then what is the the best alterantive to removing hair? I’m going to guess that waxing is really the worst thing you can do when is come to HAIR REMOVAL. And if you can afford to wax all the time why not pay for the electrolysis, it’s much better for you the long run. But I don’t wax!!
I would also like to know if most of these places that do these types of services with certified people of course, do they offer payment plans, is this something that is done in this industry? So if you can not afford this, then is SHAVING and PLUCKING okay to do and if not what is the best way to remove hair at home.
I feel that plucking your eyebrows and lip area would have to be okay, but if not what is the best way. And I have a friend who SHAVES her lip area and she claims the hair grows back the same way as it started. But I feel she is wrong to assume that this works for all people, because people have different types of hair growing on them. And she happens to be a person that has fine, thin hair and so it maybe okay for those who have light hair, fine hair and thin hair!?! So my question is, is shaving a good idea for the upper lip area? My guess would be NO, I never did it but feel its not a SMART move!! Your chances for INGROWN HAIRS are much higher when you SHAVE the face!!
I’ve also used the HAIR REMOVAL CREAMS and once I accidently took off the hair on my arms with it and the hair grew back a bit thicker and more seem to come through and it was darker to me as well. This I did a long time ago but I remembered I was so mad on how the hair grew back it made me think there really is nothing out there that works and it only seems to make matters worse!! So my advice would be to not use this CRAP!!
Thank you so much for your time and listening!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!