Ointments for DRY skin after care !!

[size:11pt][font:Comic Sans MS] I have very dry skin. I wasn’t using anything to moisturize before treatment in case ,in any way, it would draw the current toward the skin instead of to the base of the follicle.
After E on my face i was using as read on this forum ,the witch hazel, briefly the aloe with tea tree , and then just the aloe however all of that was very drying and my skin felt so tight and uncomfortable. I was avoiding the all natural ointments and oils that my skin loves because i thought it would block the open pores and possibly create pustules or problems.

However i was (FINALLY :smiley: ) reading Hinkels book last night and was pleasantly surpried to read that drying products mentioned above are good for aftercare on oily skin but that on dry skin an oil or ointment can be good after treatment ! [color:#3333FF][i] Mr. Hinkel: " Ointment, oils and salves tend to keep follicles open and prevent eschars and lymph crusts from forming. It has been our experience that on average skin keeping the area open for 24 hours by an invisibly thin layer of ointment or oil produces better results than the drying applications.[/i][/color]
This information brings me great relief as my instincts were screaming for some of my good ointments! It may be too late for me for this info to serve, but nonethess less it is good to know and may help other dry skin e patients out there ! [color:#FF0000] ANY THOUGHTS [/color]???[/size][/font]

Curious about your input on this …

I recall Josefa, or someone on this board said that putting aloe on the area (face) before treatment is helpful ?? I have also been told that if the upper skin has any moisture it could draw the energy away from the root and towards the skin and that one should not put any moisturizer even the night before a treatment.

So what is the best method? My skin get super dry tight and uncomfortable without moisturizer.

My recommendations are:

Use a soap substitute (not Dove)-wipe it on and rinse it off just as you would with soap. Pat dry.
never use soap on your face again.

Once your skin has recovered from soap induced dryness;

Add a moisturiser if needed.
Try to get samples of as many as you can from dermatology companies
or just carry on with the ones that you already like.
Hello Danika,
Regarding electrolysis;
Your electrolysist will wipe your skin pre-treatment and pat dry with paper towel anyway, so no need to worry about your moisturiser interfering with current.
Dry skin is pretty hard to treat where there are keratinised scales obstructing follicles so your moisturised skin will be a treat.
Hope this is a wee help (apols. if you already are a no-soap convert!)
Dermatology nurse-electrolysist

Thanks Cherrytree , that makes alot of sense to me. I got your response AFTER my appointment but I did go with my instinct to have some moisturizer on, so I can back the truth of your words!! :wink:

Just re-read my post - oops! Somehow got ‘Hello’ stuck in middle of post!
Amateur at this!
Anyway - very glad you found it made sense Danika. Good luck

Hi Danika,

I written about Rosehip Oil before but not sure if you have read the posts. I use this to moisturise my face daily and it is a wonderful moisturiser.

I no longer use anything myself after a session. Just keep the area clean and then go back to the rosehip oil when I feel I can touch my skin a bit more.

And yes, Josefa does apply aloe to the skin if she feels it is dry when she’s working on it.