Oil Oil Oil Oil


Is it true that oily products encourage hair growth on your face or is this another one of the old wives tales that I have fallen prey to???

If this is true, what types of oil should I stay away from…and does this include oily food? For instance should I stop using Vitamin e night cream?

Sorry if this is a stupid question I just don’t have a clue when it comes to beauty routines.

Thank you!

Not a stupid question.

A good blood supply and hormones cause unwanted hair on the face and body.

Genetic predisposition, stress, certain medications and certain diseases do, as well. Certain times in a womans life will make hair come alive and grow heartily : Puberty, Pregnancy, Menapause

Anna, do you have a problem with hair on your face? Too much oil,oil,oil, is not a plausible cause for too much hair on the face whether it be applied topically or taken internally.

I agree with Dee. Can you expand on your hair problem? Any of these topical creams alone wouldn’t cause a big hair problem. If you do have one, you may have an underlying hormonal imbalance problem etc.

I dont know.
People say I’m imagining my facial hair problem…but of course most people would say that to be polite
I definately have a slight moustache haha. my doctor even told me so…but he said its not bad…and that you have to get very close to notice it. i also have some unwanted blonde hairs on my chin which disgust the hell out of me…
I’m 23 and Ive only noticed this hair problem in the last year or so…My periods are quite regular and light so I don’t think I have Polycystic Ovaries and beyond being paranoid about having a tumour on my adrenal gland (which i realise is ridiculous but you know in your craziest most neurotic moments you tend to entertain such thoughts) I have no idea what could be a medical underlier.

Since the hair thing…a couple of years ago…I seem to have developed enlarged pores on my nose and parts of my cheek and I was wondering if this was related somehow?

I do get very stressed often…thanks to Uni and also stressing about how I look.

I just started using Vaniqa…and I plan on getting laser removal just on my upper lip. Hopefully it will all work

Is there somebody that does electrolysis where you live? A referral from someone you know would be great.

If laser is all you have, well then , you can try it. Electrolysis for your upper lip and those blondies on your chin would be highly effective. Laser is not effective for what you described if the hairs are too thin or too light.

Vaniqa twice a day would probably be more helpful than laser, but electrolysis would be very, very effective if perfomed by someone that is skilled.


Regarding oil…

Many essential oils increase estrogen production. So, I don’t think these oils would be something that stimulates facial hair growth. Because, as you probably know, most facial hair growth is caused by an increase in a primarily male hormone.

Having said that, I don’t know if there is any evidence to show that the use of essential oils reduces facial hair growth.

If I were you, and I saw positive benefits from the vitamin E creme, I’d keep using it and look for another facial hair solution.