Hi everyone
I’m having a marathon session clearance on my stomach next week and was wondering whether EMLA or ametop would be suitable for larger areas? I have had electrolysis on my stomach before but with a different electrologist. The first session (an hour) of diathermy was comfortable enough with her, the second was easier (she used blend) and the third (back to diathermy) was unbearable. I was due to have my period a few days later so I assume its down to that.
My new electrologist is far away and we’ve only spoke through email but as she’s further away I can’t get down there for just a test patch so I don’t know if it will ‘hurt’ or not. She uses the same machine as my old one but obviously differing techniques and such can lead to different experiences of pain.
So would you think slapping on a thick layer of elma on my stomach would be fine? Or should I just stick to ibuprofen?
Thanks <3