Not too sweet sixteen.....

I have spent all night reading these posts and they really help me feel less alone and more comfortable with myself . Thank you soo muchh ! Your stories encourage me to stay strong and gave me confidence that I just might be able to make it! Here is my story…

I just turned sixteen three weeks ago and it is nothing like I dreamed of when I was little. Normal sixteen year old girls worry about their PSATs , summer jobs, boyfriends, sex, cars, all the “normal” things ! But me ? Hahaa , i wish!! i worry about my hair issue! Part-time job? Not to buy extra clothes or for car insurance , but to save up to try to get laser treatment! Sex? Haha , what a joke ! Being naked is out of the question ! I have excess hair on my face,back,chest,stomach, anywhere you can think of I probably have hair there . Since I was Very little I always thought I was a little different but nothing serious, but that all changed freshman year of high school when my doctor pointed it out and ever since I have become obsessed with it! I used to be such a happy and fun person to be around but in only two years I have become suicidal and severely depressed. I cry almost everyday and suicide is always on my mind if it wasn’t for my boyfriend I wouldn’t probably be alive. I never mention my hairy problem to him but he knows how insecure I am and he always tries his best to make me feel beautiful. Even though I have depression issues I try not to let people see it , I always smile and act friendly trying to mask how I really feel inside. (only my boyfriend knows I’m depressed) I can tell I also cause great pain to my parents and it must be so hard for them to see how unhappy I am , and I often feel like I let my parents down, they wanted a normal beautiful daughter but instead they got me. I still feel there is good that came out of this situation, I now see that there are soo many people who have this problem and has stayed strong and lived their lives even with their flaws, it’s also made me look beyond appearances and to not be judgmental because i know how bad it hurts to feel different and unattractive .

Sometimes I wish I had a friend to talk to that goes through the same thing as me …

It would seem that you are in the right place. You will find lots of friends here.

Although I am sure you have stumbled across this already, do pick up a copy of The Diet Cure by Julia Ross from the library, or a book seller (Ebay has them cheap). Although the title of the book is unfortunately chosen, it has lots of good information that can help you with more than one issue.

I will say welcome to our family, and do avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague from now on. Get your vitamin B levels up (organic, uncooked sunflower seeds are great for this) and increase your Omega fatty acid intake.

hey, just read ur post and felt i wanted to write a few words of encouragment. Like yourself i had excess hair on my face which began when i was about 14. However it didnt get to bad untill i had laser which stimulated more growth. I have been getting electrolysis for about 1 year now and i am so happy with the results. Im pretty much hair free, i cant even remember how bad it once was. If i were you i would talk to your parents about it, i did this and they were very supportive. I would also start saving and start getting electrolysis on the areas that bother you the most. Laser works for some people but only if the hair is coarse enough, Im sure the experts here can explain it better then me.

good luck on your journey. Im 26 now, the majority of my hair is gone and i feel great, im sure you can to, try not to feel alone there are lots of women with this problem.

bec x

I felt just like you, for months. I was deeply depressed and totally neglected all other aspects of life, except hair. I ruined my marks at the university, my boyfriend thought I was cheating on him, because I was so uninterested and serious all the time. My closest friends had enough I think, because everything I was talking about is how bad and hopeless I feel. My parents were pissed off, because they couldn’t understand why I make such a big deal of a little problem.

I live in a small country, in a smaller town and there are no many options for permanent hair removal, however I was spending nights and days reading on the internet, trying to find a solution.

I don’t know exactly when and why it happened, but I had enough! I couldn’t live like that anymore! I put asside the hair problem and started going out, smilling and concentrating on much more important things.

I am hairy everywhere too, but I won’t let it ruin my life. There are people who have really serious problems, and can’t solve it, but they are still trying to appreciate the life and be positive. And hair can be removed!

I did not give up the idea of removing hair. I will do it, once I find a good option and feel like doing it. But until then, I will not let it to affect my life at all!

Try thinking like this, and take bec’s example. She is happy with the results after ONE year. It is not much time. And you choose whether you will be at the bottom, or positive and happy during that period.

Sorry for the long post, I really wanted to help :).

Ohh, and yes, I am noticing that my hair problem is not that bad as I used to think before :slight_smile:

Thank you soo much for the posts they really helped ! I will start looking into electrolysis and discuss it with my mom! Thank you soo mch ! And sadk haha I loved yr long post ! Haha ! :wink: Thank yu guys for understanding , I just needed to vent ! Thank yu soo much for listening ! :slight_smile:

You should also discuss a visit to an endocrinologist doctor just to make sure your hormones are all good.

Electrolysis is the only option for fine hair. If you want to remove bikini, underarms, or lower leg hair, you can look into laser.

I’m glad you are finding the forum helpful! That’s what it’s all about. There are dozens of people here who have the exact same problems and will help lead you in the right direction. Don’t hesitate to post. You’ll always find support here!

Thank yu LAgirl for the support ! I will really try to look into electrolysis !

Believe me: if your boyfriend likes you as much as it sounds, he’s not trying to make you feel beautiful, he truly thinks you are.

If you’re not already seeking help, consider an appointment with a therapist. It helped me (and it still does help) a lot when I felt really depressed about hair. An endocrinologist might help too, as LAGirl said.

Good luck to you, and welcome to the forum!

I’m so sorry. :frowning:

I know this may sound stupid when you’re depressed, but try to focus on the positive. Just for 5 minutes.

I have been in the exact same situation as you. This may be the hardest thing you’ve ever had to say to anyone, but I suggest telling your boyfriend about your problem… I know that sounds crazy and probably the LAST person you want to know, but it is very freeing to let it all out…

I’ve been there, done that.

If you want to talk about this more, please feel free to message me. :slight_smile: There is ANOTHER side. I want to help you see it.