not enough money

does anyone know any student schools in the uk so we can get it done for free? i want to remove hair all over almost which isn’t sufficient for laser but i don’t have the money. I can’t bleach either so are creams alright to use for stomach and back?

You can try the London College of Beauty Therapy:

Or London Esthetique:

Thank you!

Okay I emailed both places and one said to call, whilst the other one (cheaper) replied and gave me some info.

It’s not free, they charge £4 per 15 minutes or £8 for half an hour which is good. I am just thinking is it worth it, as their speed may not be as fast and so on? I have no idea. But I wouldn’t let them touch my face, I was considering hands or parts of my arms or my knee.

They informed me that they won’t do large areas but will work on small areas, and I asked could part of my arm, instead of my whole arm be done? They replied with a yes.

I also was trying to think of more questions to ask so I did ask about the machine, whether I can get a consultation, and to confirm whether I can choose between a male and female student.

I’m not sure as to whether the questions I am asking are needed, but do any members recommend me asking something?

Those prices sound ridiculously cheap… what kind of machine are they using?

I did ask but not reply so I will try call them soon, it is probably because they are students.

I understand that, but the cost of electricity and presumably a central London location won’t be cheap. Please be wary, especially as they are students (of course, everyone was a student at some point, but even some of the “professionals” are absolutely awful) and it would be great to know your results!

Where abouts are you based?

You could also contact by email several electrolysis places in your area and maybe you oould barter a service or product they might like want or need. Say you could clean there office, do laundry, run errands, etc. Or if you have actual service (stylist, massage therapist, plumber, etc.) I knnow lots of people that would be willingly to barter straight up for services. When you don’t have money in life, that is when God is telling you to be alot more creative! :

Ihavehair: I think you should ask mainly, if student work is always under the watchful eye of their teachers. I have seen the disasters that can occur when no precautions are taken and I’ve shown on this site. But I have seen here how a diligent student can achieve the same results that a person skilled in the art (see last post from Bryce). £ 8 per half hour is a reasonable price considering that not be treated more than 100 hairs in that time. If UK is like here in Spain, teachers can advise students which is more reliable for you. The decision to start with the arms is very wise, but beware, if the student is to treat all hairs in the zone, most will telogen hairs with shallow insertions. The risk of overtreatment is greatly increased. In this anatomic area small crusts are inevitable, pay attention to size and color with them.


Note: If you feel satisfied with your student electrolysis, do not lose track when he or she will finish their training. They are hard to find copies in Europe.

This picture shows an acceptable type of crust. A few days after the electrolysis.

I forgot to say something about the machine. If you want a painless electrolysis, Apilus Platinum. But this area is highly tolerable with any machine. All are effective.

Thank you for your reply. I will ask that. If not the arms, where should I ask them towork on me?

Legs are always a good test site. It is the easiest body part to work on, and it will allow you to judge speed, and effectiveness. Just keep in mind, work on the face, and other body parts will be more difficult, and other body work, like chest, arms, and back will have more temporary pigment and scabbing than legs.

It is a pleasure to serve you some help. I think the arm is an ideal area to test the results of the work. It’s also great because you can see what he / she makes in your skin. When you’re distracted watching, treatment is more pleasant. Legs (below knee) is also an ideal area. But if usually temporary hair removal methods, it is not possible to verify the elimination of hairs objectively. You can not remember which was treated follicle. And frankly, I think more annoying than arm leg. My advice, try the arm. And above all do not shave the area to check very, very fast work efficiency, your electrologist has to treat all hairs in the area.

Sacral area example: Before the first clearance

immediately after treating 751 follicles in the first and only clearance.

appearance after 6 months. can be clearly seen how effective the Electrolysis.

A subsequent clearance showed that after 6 months, 231 follicles could be treated in the same area. However, it was necessary to use a magnifying glass to see all the hairs.

UFF!, James has been faster than me to answer. Fortunately we have agreed with the second zone optional. :wink:

Thank you for your reply. I think knees would be good for me as the hairs are too light for laser. Also the hairs on the sides of my legs.

Wow, that area was really red! What’s the circle?

Let’s see how this goes, need to call so many places up but so little time to.

This case was included in a clinical study. The main objective was to establish the effectiveness ratio of Electrolysis. Making money and time to the customer in % success. So that we could obtain reliable information we needed to ensure the limits of work. We used a surgical cloth with a hole of standard measures. Next, we proceeded to clear the area of hair. All the hairs that the human eye could see. These were 751. So the area is very red. Because the density in the area was quite large. 6 months later, the target was well marked by the plaques. As shown in the image. Still, there are 231 hairs visible with a magnifying glass. Results: 60, 25% permanent hair removal. A failure given that in other cases the treatment success was 85.4% after 20 months.

the schools are no good, sorry for saying that. this place does shortwave blend and diathermy but it;s not always available so you have to sign up to their newsletter to get updates. as for the other place, they’re closed now so I will try calling tomorrow.