nose hair removal

How do I permanently remove hose hair without
any side-effects?

If the nose hair you are talking about can be removed at all you really need to see a pro on this one. You also need to be very careful to do your after care so that you aviod infection.

right…i really think the nose is a very sensitive area.

i would just let trim it if i were you. lots of people have this problem. there’s this little thing that you can buy and then you twist the bottom and it cuts the hair outside your nose. the rest that can’t be cut use a scissor carefully.

Inside the nose is the only area where I find it’s impossible to insert the probe if the hair is NOT in anagen. It’s mainly cartilage. Therefore it’s best to wax the hairs & wait a week or two for hairs to start growing, those anagen hairs will be easy to treat.

Some of the hairs you will need a double reflection to see & treat.

Other hairs you will need two kinks in the probe to reach. Some of the probe will be in contact with the nose wall so paint that section with nail polish.

Got an example of your setup? I was thinking a bore scope but it doesn’t seem like the resolution is clear enough.