No shedding - upper lip (male)


I’m looking for some advice on whether laser is working for me or isn’t…

I recently had my first treatment on my upper lip (brown coarse hair, male, skin Type 2) - essentially to get rid of the five o’clock shadow.

It was on a Gentlelase, with 15mm spot size and 20 Joules. I had the treatment 2.5 weeks ago and still there is no shedding (and I have been exfoliating). I’m wondering if this is normal, or whether the setting weren’t high enough or whether this laser isn’t for me.

I previously had my chest done with Lightsheer and had very good results (and it always shed during week 1 to 2).

Any thoughts? I don’t want to spend more money if this laser is not for me.



It is very hard for men to get good results on beard removal with LASER. I know that one clearance with electrolysis would give you a significant reduction, and would only require one or two clearances to make you happy.

Those settings are low. Max on 15mm is 30J. On a type II, they should be able to use a much higher setting.

Is your hair growing as usual or stuck in pepperspots?

I personally believe it’s the laser type being used. I’ve actually had really awesome results on my beard, I hardly have any hair on my neck or cheeks, however, chin and upper lip and completely different, they’re a bit more patchy. I started with GentleLASE Alex, then Apogee Elite Alex, I’d almost never get any shedding, sometimes would have to go back 2 weeks later and do it again and would maybe get 50% shedding.

I then started using the Apogee Elite YAG and I’ve had amazing results, full shedding each time. The problem is the hair on your upper lip and chin is so deep that Alex lasers can’t hit it as they only go I think it’s 755nm deep? LightSheer diode is 810 which is a bit deeper but yag goes the deepest, I forget the exact number 1024 or something like that. I know it’s not 1024 (I’m thinking of ram in a computer but it’s over 1000!). When I did the yag I had full shedding. It’s usually not a problem since yag works best on dark coarse hair which is what you’d typically find on a males beard anyway. 15mm spot size makes it hard as well as it doesn’t penetrate as deep so if possible I’d suggest finding a gentlemax or apogee elite as I was treated with high settings on both of those and had no shedding.

Thanks for the feedback.

No, no shedding (not pepperspots) so i’m guessing it’s the laser.
I’ll try the YAG and if not, then I’ll try electrolysis as James suggests.

Thanks again for the comments.

If you’re just doing your upper lip then electrolysis may be easier since it’s not a huge area and can be treated quickly. If you want to do your entire beard neck etc def try the yag. I didn’t want to be treated with the yag before since I always thought the alex was the best but had huge results with it.

Upper lip hair is often deep and needs a Yag. Either way, the settings also need to be more aggressive on any laser.