They play with the name so that although you think it is the same it is different. It has been presented as:
No No
no no
and on and on. None of which would be searchable on the average search engine, and this is why you can’t find where we have discussed this previously, even though we answer this question every week.
What is bad about it is just overselling, and under delivering. It is a temporary method that seeks to get you to spend $250 to $300 on a cheaply made electro-box because you are hoping for permanent hair removal, when all you will get is a realignment of your growth cycle, and if you are lucky, some thinning of the hairs.
If that is what you want, then great. If permanent hair removal and a point where you no longer need to use this, or any other hair removal method is your goal, just spend that money on something that will actually provide the results you seek.
The amount of heat that is being delivered to the growth cells by this unit is not going to provide permanent hair removal on a level equal to electrolysis, which when done well, and on schedule can be finished in 9 to 24 months, depending on the area, and treatment parameters.