no! no!

Hey, im just looking for facts. Understand, I don’t know any of you here. Somebody telling me that a product doesn’t work needs to tell me why it doesn’t work. Im not going to take your word for it because you have a high post count.

lagirl, Im sorry I got cross with you. In fact, I think im falling in love with you…

Lots of us are in Love With La-Girl.

I think I owe her some roses this week as a matter of fact. :wink:

Congratulations on becomeing the new Post Leader.

Here here! L.A. Girl, a thousand hugs and kisses, may you go down in his-tor-ry!!

Do me and us all a favor and buy the device. Then come back to report your results. We’ll add your review to the others who wasted their money before you.

I have to say it works very well. Instead of shaving EVERYDAY I just shave three times a week :slight_smile: but it’s not permanent, smells very bad, HURTS.
I don’t mind the pain though.

Hiwr, are you saying that Sephora No No hurts? They market it as painless.

You can also just pluck the hair for free using $1 tweezers and have an even longer lasting temporary removal.

Sonja thats BS, it kinda hurts, but it works…however they grow back thinner.

Hear hear, Lagirl! :)I can`t believe that people actually fall for these little mashines. 250 will buy 5 hours of pro electrolysis…

(moderator’s note: the proof of the success of this website is the number of spammers who see fit to post their spam here, thus forcing us to delete it.)

If you pluck or wax the hair, it also grows back thinner in the beginning. It has nothing to do with this machine. New hair that first shows is always thinner, and then goes back to normal with a bit of time.

So you are telling me that nono does like plucking or waxing, but in shorter time?
Isn’t that a positive thing, I mean lets face it, you can’t really pluck an entire leg in 30 min?

no no also takes a lot longer than 30 mins for a leg. waxing would be faster.

But Costs money and hurts more :slight_smile:
Besides you can do this at home without all the trouble of waxing.
IT does not take 30 min for a leg with NoNo :stuck_out_tongue:

You can wax at home cheaply. It’s not any more trouble. And once again, it’s temporary. You can’t even compare it to permanent methods which is what you were doing above. In the end, it’s up to you. If you’re looking for temporary removal, pick the method you want. If you’re looking for permanent, there are only 2 options: professional laser and electrolysis. There is nothing else around that will produce what you’re looking for cheaply. Otherwise we’d all be doing it. Trust me. You’re looking for something cheap, easy and effective and permanent, and we keep trying to tell you that it doesn’t exist. Really really wanting it won’t make it happen. Really.

Waxing at home cheaply is a hassle. Waxing professionally is expensive. And waiting for the hair to grow out is the worst thing of all.

Now, I am contemplating the NoNo because I would be satisfied if the time it takes my hair to grow out before I have to treat it again(which I swear feels like it is nonexistent)was extended. I know that the NoNo is NOT a PERMANENT hair removal option. If you think it is, then you really need to review the facts. Even the manufacturers say that it isn’t permanent. Read the fine print before you blow 250 plus Tax. However, there are other areas which I will have to spend unfortunate amounts of money treating for permanent hair removal and I cannot afford to treat my legs as well. What I want to know is does it do what it says it does… slow hair growth so that I can actually shave and have smooth legs. Wouldn’t it be great if I could shave and not just be covered in small black dots instead of hair?

It’s the same as plucking, just faster, in my opinion.

For $250, you can get a laser hair removal treatment on lower legs and get rid of 15-20% of the hair right there. And since treatments are spaced 12-16 weeks apart for legs, you can save up another $250 every 3 months and get rid of the majority of the hair in 6-8 treatments over the course of 1.5-2 yrs.

If your contemplating buying the No No you should read this blog

Apparently, not only is it a hassle but the no no works by literally sindging the hairs which produces a really foul smell.
Hopefully this will help yo save a couple hundred dollars.

Again, since the term No-No and all variations of the product’s name don’t read in search engines, I am bumping this here and adding the search term that DOES register with search engines, NoNo, or nono.

The NoNo doesn’t work for permanent hair removal as they want you to believe, and the product itself breaks easily, and the replacement parts are outrageously overpriced.

Here is our latest hairtell review: