Nightmares about hair regrowing

Hi Everyone!

This ought to make you laugh or convince some of you that I’m going off the deep end–LOL!!! I remember shaving my underarms before going to bed about a month ago and being kinda disgusted by the black hairs growing out of my arms and taking a long good look at them before going to bed.

Anyway, I truly had a nightmare that night about winged creatures which resembled gargoyles and a crowd of people fleeing from them. If the gargoyles touched you, long metallic tubes would start growing from the touched body part. I remember being in the crowd of people panicking and trying to escape them but they touched me on the arms and immediately these long ugly silver tubes started growing out from my arms. I was really terrified and I remember screaming out for help and saying “somebody get me a doctor fast” and then I woke up.

I was pretty freaked out because it was such a bizarre dream and then looked down at my arms to see if they were really “okay”. I don’t know if the upstairs neighbors heard my yelling out for help but then I realized that it was just a dream and burst out laughing. Now, they’re probably convinced that I’m nuts! LOL!

Anyways, has anybody else had such a bad dream about hair regrowing??? I’ve also had a number of more “normal” dreams about shaving too but this one really takes the cake! I guess my subconcscious is doing some serious “overtime”!

Hey guys, don’t be shy! I can’t believe that I’m the only one that has had a “bad hair dream”! Since doing some body shaving, I’ve become more aware of hair growth and I think that this has also influenced my subconscious too and I’ve had a couple of dreams about shaving legs. A lot of people here have expressed worries about shaving their legs and arms, so it’s probably had an impact on their subconscious too and these thoughts usually come back in dreams somehow.

So c’mon, don’t be shy and share a couple of your experiences (just keep it clean) so we don’t get moved to the mature board!!! LOL

I’ll be honest, I’ve never had a dream, or nightmare, about shaving or hair. I’m pretty compulsive about keeping smooth, too, and hate being stubbly. I really need to shave daily, but often don’t as it is a bit time consuming. So, I just don’t shower, then don’t shave. I am lucky, I never get smelly, so I’m not that motivated to shower daily, except for shaving. I do have shaving fantasies, but they probably go on the mature board, lol.

You are not the only one. I have had nightmares. I have invested so much time and money in “permanent” hair removal and am in much worse shape now than before I started. I now take xanax to get through the days and nights. I never would have turned to such a drastic measure, but this has taken over my life. I had to do something. I would sleep for about 45 min.-1 hr. and wake up with nightmares all the time. Everything from growing a full man’s beard to my husband leaving me to going to work and nobody recognizing me because I am covered in hair. Now that I have made the decision to stop laser on the face, it is somewhat better, but I still have months of electrology and potential skin damage to look forward to. I am really struggling to find peace because I did this to myself.

Hi Smoothlover

The only dream I ever had was when I was younger and that was about removing the unsightly hairs on my legs and being able to wear shorts without being embarresed. Luckily I made that one come true!


Hi laserhater,

Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sorry to hear about all the anxiety that you’ve had due to hair removal. My nightmares don’t come anywhere close to what you’ve experienced but I’ve experienced some other anxieties related to flying and terrorism. I also tend to get the “winter blues” when the days are short and there isn’t much sunlight at all.

I’ve taken St. John’s wort and other natural herbal remedies such as “Melissa” tea which might be beneficial to you. I know that St. John’s Wort has received a lot of negative press but I think it depends on the company and the ratio that they are using. It’s very commonly prescribed by doctors here in Europe. Both of the above have helped me and the cold months don’t get my down as much when I take St. John’s wort–just allow some time for it to work (about three weeks).

I hope the New Year gets off to a good start for you!


Hi Smoothlover

St Johns Wort works well, but one must consult your pharmasist or doctor before taking this with other medication. It can be fatal in the wrong combination of drugs. I hope this helps.


Stuart, thanks for passing on the information about St. John’s Wort. I was kinda shocked by what you wrote and haven’t heard about such dangers before, nor has any pharmacist mentioned potential dangerous combinations to me. Have you heard anything about whether it’s alright to take it in combination with fish oil either in capsule or liquid form?



Hi Smoothlover

St John’s Wort is a herbal antidepressant and in some countries is now restricted to a doctors prescripcion. If memory serves me correctly I think the UK and some other european countries now have these regulations. I don’t belive it is dangerous with vitamin supplements, but it does interact with many other drugs that you may be taking.

It is best to clear this with your pharmasist or doctor rather than run the risk of something bad happening. On it’s own it is normally quite safe. In SA it is being moved to prescription only status as well.

Take Care

Stuart, now that I think of some of my experiences with St. John’s Wort, there have been a few times where I’ve felt “funny” or light-headed after taking it. I usually take garlic and sometimes fish oil capsules too, so it might have had some kind of synergistic effect.

I recall one time in particular that I took the fish oil at the same time as St. John’s wort and later having some friends over. One of them said something that was kinda funny which just caused me to crack up–I just couldn’t stop laughing for about 15 minutes and became really silly. I didn’t drink any alcohol, so it must have been the combination. St. John’s wort is an anti-depressant, so I guess it could affect the nervous system this way and produce such a reaction. Other than laughing uncontrollably for awhile, it wasn’t a bad experience but I’m a little worried about the potential dangers now that it might cause.

Going back to dreams–I came across this earlier post from IHH which was posted a few years ago in this same forum–I thought that it would be a good idea to add this to my thread and hopefully, a few other members can comment on his post and whether anyone else has had a similar dream and what it might mean:

Here’s the original post from IHH:

"I remember about 10 or even 12 years ago, I had a great dream.

It involved me, standing in front of the mirror, and noticing a funny hair sticking out of my forehead… right in the middle of it…

Anyway, I started pulling on this hair, and it just kept coming… I soon realised that it was connected to every hair, skin tag, mole and blemish on my face and the rest of my body below the neck… as I kept pulling, all the hairs just got pulled back under the skin and eventually came out attached to this long long vine… it was metres and metres long… I pulled for about 15 minutes, but eventually, I had pulled it out (carefully I might add, I didn’t want it to break off… LOL) and was hair free and blemish free forever after that. The spot I pulled it out of healed up and I was fine.

I just wondered if anyone else has had a weird dream about hair…"

Hi Smoothlover

It is best to at least discuss the posible interactions with a pharmasist if not your doctor. The drug is very beneficial and great for it’s natural anti-depressesant function, but light headeness and disturbed dreams are not good signs. Driving is dangereous under these circumstances. I would reccomend you discuss this with a pharmisist ASAP. What you describe without alcohol is a classic problem associated with this powerfull drug.

Good Luck

that is by far one of the coolest dreams i have ever read about! woooooooooooooooooow! wouldnt it be cool if something like that was possible!! oh gosh.

thanks for sharing. and no i have never dreamed of anything like that.

Hi Rachelle and Stuart!

I had another really weird dream last night about the hair on my legs. I haven’t been taking St. John’s Wort for over a week now, so it couldn’t have been due to the herb.

Anyways, I shaved a bit last night on my lower legs and feet and then I had a very strange dream later. In the dream, I remember shaving my right leg dry first and was amazed at how quickly and easily it went. Then I started with the left leg and I discovered these ugly abscesses (sp?) on my leg which were about the size of pepperonis! I was terrified and was worried about going out into public with those ugly marks. At the same time, in real life, my arm clock went off and I was disappointed about not finding out what happened next.

It really was a nightmare and I remember that feeling of horror after seeing those ugly marks–has anyone else ever dreamed about having such wounds or blemishes on their body?



Hi Smoothlover

You mention about a week without St Johns, but you still had a strange dream. All anti depressents take some time to clear the system and St Johns is no different to others in this respect. Weird dreams may continue for some time. If you discuss this with a pharmacist I am sure they will confirm it. If I think back to my paramedic days we often had patients with hysteria, delusions and sometimes sever depression coupled with withdrawal symtoms associated with these “simple herbal drugs”.

Often the docters had to prescribe bensodiazepiens, or rather powerfull tranquilizers, to stabilise the patients. Anti depressants are very dangerous without a doctors supervision and their effect lasts a long time - more than one would think. Some take over a month to loss the effect. I did a few bad ambulance rides trying to comfort patients taking this stuff so I am only offering what I can about anti depressants.

Please see your doctor before taking this remedy or any other of this nature - they can be very unhelpfull as well.

I hope this assists.

Hey there,i read what you said on nightmares about hair regrowing,i’d be really interested to read about your experience with lazer care treatment.I had it done in my early 20’s and am now starting to regret it now i have hit my 30’s.I now have longer and darker hair growing on my chin and i don’t know whether to try the sessions again.I think the first time round the lazer treatment acted as a kind of plaesebo and i just thought to myself its got to have done some good even though there was still some hair growth i kind of blocked it out.

I think it is time to step up to the Gold Standard of Permanent Hair Removal… Electrolysis


Have you ever heard of electrolysis?

I am so thankful I started electrolysis and did not go the laser route. My gf did laser in her early 20s as well and she is hairy all over again! Of course I believe, from experience, that your hair folicles continues to produce new hair for whatever reason, mine was hormonal into your mid 30s. I have to say that in the year b4 i started elctro the hair growth had gotten slower, or shall i say i was not seeing new growth.

ALTHO!!! there are hairs on my mid to upper cheeks, just five to ten that i had no idea where even there to begin with, i chalk this up to shaving my face every day!!! I never noticed coz i cut them off!!!

GO electro!

And oh yes, i use to have nightmares of being in the hospital in casts and unable to shave and gettin so hairy. I made a pact with my sister that if anything happened to me she would always shave my face and chest! Its nice to have a safe person!

Good luck! I say go with permanent removal and not REDUCTION that laser advertises!