Nightmare? Cringing? Carpal Tunnel?

Hey electrologists, is this a nightmare for you? It’s what mine will face, and this is just the…face!!! Sorry if it’s too many photos. This is 5 days growth by the way.

If you’re going for almost complete removal, you would really benefit from good laser treatments first, which will kill the majority of this hair. GentleLASE would be great for your skin type. Of course, it’s essential to find a good clinic with experience with male faces to avoid patchiness (not as crucial if you’re looking to finish with electrolysis). But that’s the case with anything, including electrolysis.

It will also be MUCH cheaper to start with laser first. Is there a reason you’re not considering it? Please read the FAQs and my story below. I’ve successfully done both.

Well, I plan to have a FULL removal. The thing with laser is this: I have about 2 years before I go abroad for an unknown number of years. If I did laser, I would need about 8 treatments spaced around 8-10 weeks apart. After that I would begin electrolysis, which I expect to take at least 2 years to complete. So, I figure to just start with electrolysis and then hopefully be done in roughly 2 years.

Those pictures don’t scare me. :grin:

You would not even make it to my top ten worst beards list.

I could have you to first clearance in 3 to 5 days, and settle in for maintenance thereafter, once every 4 to 6 weeks.

James is right. The first, full clearance is never easy or cheap, but it is a good strategy that will move this along.

Thanks both of you. I really don’t expect it to be cheap at all. I mean the number in my head is in the 5 digits for all I need done. But, it helps that you have seen worse James!!

Oh, I have looked a bit in Christina Navarette’s place and school. She needs models for the students to work on. Lord knows I could keep them in business. Pros: Could get a lot of work done for less money /Cons: Could take longer due to improper insertions and possible scarring. This would only be body work mind you, I would have my face done by a pro, J

If students were set up with an epilator brand like the Apilus Platinum or Pure and the students were working in PicoFlash thermolysis mode, that would be a deal worth checking out.

Don’t feel bad, when I first started my beard was as bad, if not worse, than yours (my hair was thicker, and the overall density of hair was higher.)

It can be done, if you find a good electrologist and really dedicate yourself to sticking to a schedule of regular clearances (which is why it has taken so long to finish in my case.)


Given your situation, I would do 3-4 laser treatments spaced 8 weeks apart (you don’t need to wait 10 weeks on the face since cycles are shorter there), and then go to electrolysis from there. It would still save you lots of time and money in the long run. And you’ll get your hair synchronized and will weaken the remaining hair, which will help with electrolysis too.

I may look into that, maybe for chest too. I don’t think my back is dense enough…and I have the huge fear of induced hair growth. But, on the proactive side, I have looked into Smooth Solutions in Dallas

Definitely don’t touch anything that’s not dense AND coarse. Chest and your face situation are good candidates though.

Btw, there is someone here from Louisiana who posted about getting face treatments with GentleLASE. If you expand the search to a year or two, you should be able to find the name of the clinic.

I’ll try and look it up. Thanks

I like the laser/ electrolysis combination for facial and chest. Get as much as you can reduced with laser and finish (refine) with electrolysis.

You would be a ton of fun!!!
“Time flies when killing hair.”
I think the plan James proposed would be awesome.
Make sure your electrologist can handle it some only work for 60 minutes or less. I prefer an all day project. I believe James would feel the same.

Yes, you are correct, Nanci. I am perfectly cool with the all day session on one client. If nothing else, it guarantees that I will get something to eat, as the client has to take meal breaks as well. :grin:
(Am I the only electrologist here that has noticed that if you schedule some free time in between clients, in order to rest, eat, and visit the facilities, that is when your next scheduled client shows up EARLY and expects that just because they are there early, that you should drop your sandwich and get back to work?)

One more thing, the job that TempleJe is presenting would be less than my normal first time clearance demand. It would be like starting at the second or third clearance point.

I ave about decided to just go all electrolysis once back from Iraq. There is a school in Houstin/Austin that lets students do the work for a lot cheaper I believe. I think that may be an option for the body. As for the face, I only want a pro. It’s so odd that you have seen such worse beards. I have a permanent 5 oçlock shadow and my hair feels like wire. You can actually hear the scraping when I shave. I’ll be so glad to get to go shirtless in 2011!!!

I’m glad to hear that it’s not just my clients that do that!

I had the exact same problem when I started, I had a permanent shadow and my face felt like steel wool :frowning: