I just thought I would let you know that you can get hair removal Treatment on the NHS. You will have to present your case to your PCT/Health Authority, and if you are pre-operative Transsexual I would only have thought they would only fund Vaniqa, just incase you decide not to cross-over or live full-time.
I am post-operative and am currently being precribed Vaniqa, while we sort out perminant hair removal, which is going to be tricky as I have ginger hair and sensative skin.
The main argument you can used is that there is a valid medical condition in Women called Hirsutism, and if a natal woman has facail hair growth that has to be removed twice a week or more you would definately qualify for treatment. As there is now a legal obligation to treat the Trans community in there chosen gender role and as such they cannot refuse treament. You can also use the Lancs case, the Human Right’s case, Trans Equality advice and implied via the Gender Recognition act.
Anyone saying that it would not be possible is not fully informaed, this includes the normal culprits for deception ‘Gender Clinics’.
If you need more info to help you get the treatment, or would like back you up and writing to your PCT on your behalf do not hesitate to get in contact.
Samantha Hamer