newly trained, which machine?

Hello all! So happy to be here.
I’ve just finished my electrolysis training and am debating between 4 local used machines.
I intend to use this machine professionally. Prices in USD:
Silhouet-Tone Sequentium VCM $1700
Apilus SM-500 $800
Apilus Senior 2 $600 *seller says “shocky” when delivering blend, but therm and galvanic fine and she’s had blend done with another machine, so I’m guessing it needs recalibration?
Fischer CBX $700 *I trained on the CBX.
What do y’all think?
Thank you for having me!

the VMC would be my choice…
Stay well away from that senior II with calibration it will cost more than any of the others.
CBX is too old to be useful.
The SM-500 is a good machine, I own one, but if itwere between that and a VMC and I was practising professionally I’d take the VMC. VMC’s are dead relaiable and have very consistent current, dectro machines have a habit of going through probeholders like you change your underwear.

HAving that number of machines in your local market, I’m going to guess you are in quebec.If that’s the case,please consider that I am in Ottawa and currently recruiting for a qualified electrologist in my clinic.In reality, I’m looking for someone with strong skills, as it’s been revealed to me I may need to look for someone to take over in a few years due to a health issue.

I always suggest that one purchases a product where the manufacturer is willing and able to provide you with repairs and education.

Going with an already existing facility set-up is a great idea and Seana’s sounds good.

Alas, a move to Ottawa is not in the cards!
The room/practice close by that I might be able to take over boasts a Depilamax, ha

Hi, Seana! Thanks for the reply–love your username.
Would the SM-500 be likely to need recalibration at some point?
Re the CBX, when did they stop making them? I thought they were available new 4/5 years ago…
(The VMC is out of the current price range. I probably shouldn’t have included it.)

If somebody is interested Dectro has big sell today and tomorrow only (Quebec and Montreal).

I will have a trip to Ottawa in next couple of weeks . If I have time I may visit you.I will let you know.


I’m in the office a lot in the next 2 weeks dimi but I also have some personal stuff going on,so make sure you let me know when you are coming so I can clear some time.
Lilbee,andmachine can require calibrationI dont own a fisher, not sure when they went out of productionjust that I dont rememberwhen thelast time I saw a “current” model.