I am from Virginia and when I was 17 years old I was diagnosed with PCOS. When I was about 19 years old I had laser done for my beard. I had monthly visits that lasted two years. Two years of my life and money down the drain.
Fast foreword to now I am 31 years old. My beard is worse than ever. However I just started electrolysis this week. I am seeing the woman an hour at a time. I go back tomorrow for a third visit.
I am hoping it will work. She is using the blend method. The roots are tough and have been there for a long time. Tweeting some of them have been a chore (even after “zapping” it).
I added photos. The first one is a before and current. The current is right after two treatments.
The other photo is current right after the second treatment. My face is red and angry but doesn’t hurt. In fact the treatment so far has hurt much less than the lasering I had done.
The woman I am going to works out of her home. She uses an Elite Spectrum machine. I am to exfoliate with an olive oil and brown sugar mix every day and before treatment.
I am to not shave anymore because of the toughness of the roots. She needs the hair to be longer to get. But we are hopeful in another hour or two of work I will be “clean” and from them on just come in for maintenance. It is hard not to shave. I have places to go and people to interact with and no amount of makeup can hide the black.
But I am keeping my hopes up that soon! Soon this will be all over with. And small quick visits will be all I need. And one day I can go camping or wake up and throw on clothes to leave the house real quick.
I can’t wait.