I am fifty, menopausal not taking HRT and have to shave my chin at least every day. I have been thinking about electrolysis and have fnally decided to try it. Living in New York City there are a lot of choices perhaps too many. I don’t know anyone who has done this ( only people who wax). I have read good things aput Lucy Peters International and wonder what experiences forum members might have had or any recommendations.
Lucy Peters International offers an electrolysis style she calls the Integrated System. It’s a fancy marketing term for her style of thermolysis.
Ms. Peters is very good, but she is frequently criticized for claims that her method is exclusive and “immediately permanent,” among other things. This sort of overpromise is not exactly accurate and has drawn fire from the Better Business Bureau.
Having said that, though, her services are generally considered good by customers. I just wish she weren’t so aggressive in her marketing.
Here’s a note I got from a male Lucy Peters customer in June 2001:
</font><blockquote><font size=“1” face=“Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif”>quote:</font><hr /><font size=“2” face=“Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif”> While I agree with you that Lucy Peters is wrong to make her “only one treatment per hair” claim, I must say that her electrologists are very well trained and they do great work. I had quite a bit of facial work done several years ago by the Lucy Peters company, and could not be more satisfied. You are quite right to point out the inaccuracies of that one claim, but don’t knock the whole establishment! Keep up the good work. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size=“2” face=“Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif”>Bottom line: Lucy Peters is a good choice, just be prepared for a pretty aggressive sales pitch that makes unsubstantiated claims that her practice is much better than any other electrologist’s.
Hairfacts: Lucy Peters International
Lucy Peters International website
[ June 15, 2002, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Andrea ]
Many thanks for the helpful comments. I have a consultation next week with Lucy Peters so now I am prepared. I chose LP as the first place to check out due to reputation alone not having any personal referals. I will report. Does the list have an archive as a beginner I’m sure all my questions have been asked and answered before ?
We’re just getting started here, so no archives yet! Luckily, we already have 200 excellent contributors in our first full month of operation, so this is shaping up to be a very helpful project!
Go ahead and ask your questions, and I’ll see if I can point you in the right direction.
I have used Lucy Peters in the past, and they are indeed excellent. Agree with everyone about their exclusive claims, although i think they have some sort of gaurantee, and that sounds exclusive. They are a great place to go because you KNOW you’re getting quality work done. Very expensive though. And plus, when you start with someone who’s work is def. great, you know what’s wrong when you switch. Good luck.
I also, have switched to LucyPeters after going to 2 different electrolygists(sp sorry) and spending more then 5 grand at each one… I do not have the level of scabbing with LucyPeters that comes after a session with them. I have not had one hair regrow back in the time between the 2 sessions I have had. I have a male facial pattern beard. Very coarse black hairs that are horribly curly,ingrown and painful. I have gone to a reproductive endocinologist and had a battery of lab tests performed that said nothing more than I am a healthy normal woman who has a beard. But, I did have mitral valve prolaspe show up when I was 12 and that seems to be something that helps trigger faicial hair growth in women. ugh.
I have spent a total of $460 US at lp’s and they have in 4 hours gotten rid of all the hair that was on my chin, neck and the sides of my neck to about just level with the bottom of my ears… my cheeks also were done. I have never had my whole face cleared by the previous people I visited. I almost cried when I got home and could actually sit and stare at my face and not see the hair.
I still have the sideburns, but that is nothing compared to what I had before. I can live with sideburns. But even those will be gone in my next session and then I will only see them once a month for maybe a few more months and then only if an occasional hair crops up afterwards. You can not compare paying $460us (it will be a total of $690 at the end) to paying more then $5,000 the first time and nearly that much the second time around.
I am a very satisfied customer. I even liked the fact that they took pictures beforehand to compare to when i am completely done. I have taken my own of course from the previous times I tried electrolysis.
I really like thess boards as they helped me to not feel so alone and hateful about myself.
Thanks for the post, dreamblue, and I’m delighted to hear about your success!
I also agree that the best way to help people get to a point of self-acceptance is to realize they are not alone. Unwanted hair is still considered a very private and shameful matter, even though there are millions of us dealing with unwanted hair. Reports like yours give people hope and prove that together, we can all make a difference!
Hi again…it’s now been a whole month since I started going to LucyPeters. My face had been totally cleared and they started working on my sideburns. Tonic was so right when he said you will know the difference between someone who is fast and efficient compared to someone who is a bit slower and not as concerned about clearing the whole area.
I had have a few straggly hairs come thru on my neck, cheeks, and chin… but these are hairs that were below the surface at the time. My face, for the first time since I started electrolysis, is not red and irritated. I still have the occasional ingrown hair…BUT I DO NOT HAVE THAT BLUE BEARD LOOK ANYMORE! That ugly 5 o’clock shadow that we women dread. The hyperpigmentation that I experienced with the constant picking at my skin is fading. I can cover it with the sheerest of foundations… whereas before I used dermablend because it covered everything theroughly with no hint of uneven skintone coming thru.
My confidence is soaring! I can now look people in the eye and not tilt my head in a futile atempt to hide my face. I don’t refuse to go out with friends because it takes me so long to get ready(shave, pick at ingrowns, grumble at razor bumps,concealer,red lipstick to hide the blueishness of ingrown hairs, foundation, poweder…ugh)…now I just say where are we going? I’m ready.
I have have changed my schedule with LP to go from once a week to once a month after 3 sessions. I do know that I still have underlying hair that needs to be cleared. I was told that it would be a full 13 weeks before it was totally cleared out…meaning any hair I had plucked out before hand has to regrow.
I am planning after this to get my legs done…and maybe …eventually my bikini area…wouldn’t that be wonderful to never have to worry about that again? LOL
Have a good day everyone!
Great news, dreamblue! Thid once again shows how vital it is to go tom someone with skill and experience. Your choice of electrologists will make all the difference in your outcome.