As we all know getting electrolysis done anywhere on the body can be pain especially the upper lip. It becomes so painful that my eyes can’t help but water and can’t go on with it. My electrologist is very knowledgeable and kind but uses a much older machine and I can’t but wonder if that factor is predominantly responsible for the extreme pain I experience. Please keep in mind that I do take all the precautions that are suggested here.
Would going to someone who has the same great skills using a more modern machine like the Apilus Platinum help reduce the pain? Does the type of probe used also play a part?
If so, I would greatly appreciate recommendations if you know any skillful electrologist in the Greater Toronto Area that uses a much modern machine.
I have no recommendations, sorry, I wish I could be more helpful.
I have the Apilus Platinum and indeed it is not hype when we say it offers the best as far as comfort goes. In the hands of a skilled professional that understands the language of Apilus, upper lip treatments, or any treatments are much better.
Second part: even with the best that skill and tools, some people need anesthetic help on the middle upper lip and lip line. Some clients can fall asleep during treatments and some are on edge no matter what tricks or equipment the electrologists uses.
The best thing for you to do is to go check out all the electrologists in your area. Some electrologists can offer very comfortable treatments, even if they are not using an Apilus Platinum, because they are very, very talented.