New Here! Help!!

I am SOOO frustrated. This problem has plagued me for many years and seems to be getting worse as times goes on. I have a ton of dark facial hair and it makes me sooo depressed. I hide it (or try to) from everyone. I can’t even stay overnight anywhere but home because I can’t let anyone find out. I have gone to the doctor numerous times and all my blood work is normal…I don’t know what to do anymore. I have tried laser hair removal and it did nothing. I stayed on the recommended schedule and the reduction I initially had all came back. Then I tried electrolysis and I had scabs all over my face. It was horrifying to have people ask me what was wrong with my face. This wasn’t a good option for me because I can’t even let anyone know about my problem because I am soooo ashamed and embarrassed. I then tried IPL for a year which did temporarily rid me of my problem, but once again IT ALL came back. I am so consumed with this all of the time. I want my life back and my freedom! HELP!

I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone. I am going through the same thing. I’ve recently gone for a laser hair removal treatment, after saving for sometime, only to find out that it’s not for me and I’ve broken out into a horrible rash that looks like cystic acne. Before people stared at my growing facial hair, now they are staring at my growing facial hair and cystic acne. Have you tried those topical creams like Vanica? I think if this laser stuff doesn’t work for me I may go that route…I have threaded my whole face weekly all my teenage life and I am so tired of it.
I will keep in touch and try to find out more info to help you…if you can, please look at my pics and tell me what the hell are the red splotches I have on my face, I would really appreciate it…Don’t let this keep you down, everyone here is so helpful, we’ll try to find something for your condition…

In my opinion, the side effects you describe are exaggerated. It may be overtreatment?
If the problem for you is that the side effects of Electrolysis are too obvious, why not try a small area and when the density decreases in this area, you start another. That’s what I recommend to my clients who work in public places.

Thank you. It helps just to know I’m not alone. I actually just ordered Vaniqa and am waiting for it to arrive. My dr. gave me a perscription and it was MUCH cheaper to get it from canada! So I am going to try that for a while and then also maybe try eletrolysis again since it is supposed to be the only permanent solution. I couldn’t see you pictures…which may be because I am new here! Where would I find them?

To depilacionelectr:

Thank you for the suggestion…I will talk this over when I go back next week for another 1st consultation. The last time I tried because the electrolysist told me that this happened because all of the hairs are so close together and that is it more likely that you skin will be traumatized when that is the case. There is just so much hair though that I tried to have it all cleared at once first which took over 2 hours. Maybe she was unskilled too? I pray that is what it is and that if I find someone else I can try to treat this all as quickly as possible!

This is so:
If the hairs that have been treated are very close ware. Inflammation is inevitable. With all systems, even with the temporary wax or tweezers. Trauma to the hair is what causes this inflammation, whether temporary or irreversible.

That said, you have to choose, results in little time = swelling for a few days. Or less inflammation = gradual results, to be able to socialize without having to explain.
The overtreatment is something else. It has nothing to do with the reaction time. The overtreatment is what causes irreversible scarring of the skin.
“Unskilled” does not translate into the system. So I do not know what to say to that. Perhaps other electrologist can do?


sorry to hear about your dismay. I have some advice and a question.

First the advice. Be careful with Vaniqua. If i’m right, i believe that contains hydroquinone which I have had mixed results with and can have very bad consequences if used incorrectly. My experience was that I was using a hydroquinone product, and it really did work on parts of my face by lightening the skin. But, when I applied it to the upper part of my face, my skin sort of broke out, and I kept using it on the breakouts. Now I have one(luckily just one) permanent red spot on my upper cheek. It’s been there for a year and 1/2. So if your face has bad irritation to it, DO NOT KEEP USING IT ON THAT SPOT. Also, on a slightly scarier note, i think hydroquinone is banned in some countries bc I think it has been shown to lead to cancer in lab rats. Just be careful and try to use it for as short a time as possible. I can’t really tell you not to use it bc that stuff didn’t stop me! :confused:

Next the question, what did you use for aftercare after the electrolysis treatment? I believe you’re supposed to apply aloe as much as you can to your face during the day and at night, put tea tree oil on your face and then aloe on top of that. (That’s what I currently do and have had excellent results).

Vaniqa just makes the hair come back slower. It’s very expensive. Good electrolysis would be a much better solution for you. You should sample several electrologists and find one that doesn’t leave you with bad side effects. Not all are the same. It’s possible. Look for someone with an Apilus machine and lots of experience. And get sample treatments form a bunch to choose the best one. I feel it’s best to spend your money on removing hair for good instead of on expensive creams that you’ll have to buy for the rest of your life.

Aftercare is also important as mentioned. Tea tree oil at night works wonders after electrolysis. Witch hazel is good too.

Btw, if you are truly concerned with a potential underlying condition, you should see an endocrinologist specialist, not a gyno or regular doctor.

Also, laser and IPL don’t work on finer hair. They’re only good for coarse dense growth such as bikini or underarms or legs.