New here and grateful to have found you all!

Here’s my story. My unwanted hair, besides my weight, is probably my worst problem in life (which considering all the tragedy in the world is not too bad, but it can still be very frustrating and depressing.)

I had a dark upper lip when I was 11 years old and my mother (who is Latina) just bought me Jolene cream bleach like she used. As the years passed, my eyebrows grew together, the mustache hairs were so long that even bleach couldn’t hide them, I got sideburns and neck hair, my pubic hair went way past my bikini line and down my thighs, my underarms were jungles, and I had a trail on my stomach, and hair on my instep and toes. And I have so much dark hair on my legs front and back I can barely keep up shaving. Not knowing what to do, and thinking it was all just “heritage” I plucked and shaved the best I could until I was in college and could kind of afford a little bit of electrolysis at least for my face. I stopped wearing a bathing suit or going swimming. And I kept off all the lights for intimate encounters!

By then I also had more hair on my chin, neck, between breasts, on my nipples, and a lot on my buttocks, between them, and in my anal area, and all over my stomach.
My problem was that I wasn’t able to afford electrolysis regularly, so it took over 20 years for me just to get rid of the hair between my eyebrows and my mustache (finally gone!).

I am currently with an electrologist weekly on all the areas (although I am too embarassed so far to bring up the anal area --I know her so well, too well since I’ve seen her for years). It is really hurting me financially, but I have no choice.
I am also overweight, and that plus the excess hair has put a huge damper on the physical part of my marriage. Fortunately, I have been losing weight plus I recently found out I have sleep apnea and have been treating that.

I estimate I have spent about $25,000 on electrolysis over the last 20 years, and I have only about 10% of the square area gone that I want to be gone.

Finally after having worked on my face for years she said that it should have been gone by now and something hormonal is happening. I asked my doctor if I could have PCOS but she kind of dismissed that since I had no trouble getting pregnant, but I pressed her, and she sent me this week to get blood tests and I’m waiting for the results.
Right now I am hoping for several things and SO grateful to this community for information.

  1. Some answer to why I have this hair, and possibly medication to limit it.
  2. Invest in my own machine to at least work on the large upper thighs area which is taking forever to pay a professional (I have my eye on a Fischer on Ebay)
  3. If I do that, possibly find a buddy in the Boston area through this site.

Thanks everyone!

Weight reduction is a MUST! MUST! MUST! So you are on the right plan of attack in regard to that.

Getting medically evaluated. Check mark. Great.

I’m with you on a Do-It-Yourself strategy, with a buddy, for body areas. Stay away from your face though.

All this hair is miserable. All I can do is sigh for you. Please let us know about those blood test results. Keep moving forward with your plans. I do wish there was a magic cream for people like you.


Hi,workinprogress I just want to let you know that you are not alone!! I’m extremely hairy as well, but mine is more genetic than hormonal. Have you sampled other electrologist or you’ve been seeing the same person ? I’ve probably would have given up if I was still seeing my old electrologist!

Hi roma18, I’m happy with my current electrologist.

Just as a followup: I got my testosterone tested and it turns out I have high levels. I have 91 where the normal range in women is 14-75. So now my doc is giving me a referral to an endocrinologist. I have to rule out PCOS, plus see if I can get medication.

This is a good start. Please let us know how everything went. If they put you on spiro, you may see a huge reduction of hair just from that.

I would also recommend that you consider laser for any areas with dense coarse growth like bikini, underarms, legs. It works wonders on coarse hair.