sry but I didn’t know which topic this would fit. When I was about 13 I shaved up to the end of the eye. At first they didn’t show but after puberty and all I’ve had my share of hair growth there. I waxed maybe once and pluked a few times since that age. I’m now 20 and hadn’t touched anything above the chin. But there are still hair visible. Now I just want to know am I left with having to wax this for the rest of my life. Dumb question but I just wanted to know from others who have experianced similar problems.
You were going to develop these noticable hairs on your face at puberty and beyond whether you shaved or not. The culprit that stimulated this visible hair growth is caused by hormonal influence.
I’m assuming you are female? For your facial hair, if you desire to do something about it permanently, you will need electrolysis. For any future hairs that are stimulated by hormones as you go through your life span, get electrolysis. Otherwise, you can do temporary measures to disguise the hair (shaving, bleaching) or inhibit hair growth (Vaniqa). I’m not a fan of waxing for facial hair.
Read to become familiar with “what does what” and then you will be able to decide for yourself what path to take for your particular hair problem.
sry I am a guy and I was just wondering what would be the best method to remove these hairs. They are thin but dark so visible. I was considering epilation on the face and was wondering if it’s the best decision.
Should be a piece of cake to do permanently with electrolysis if you have the luxery of living close to a skilled electrologist. I work on men above the beard line cheek area frequently. Microflash works great and they leave the office cleared of crazy hairs in the first visit. Thereafter, they need to return when noticable hair is bothering them,anywhere from 2-4 weeks later. All should be well in a year of consistent treatment, meaning - mission accomplished.
You can pull the hairs out yourself, but you will never be finished with that task. That’s why I am suggesting good ole’ electrolysis to free you of this problem.
you need to decide if you’re willing to invest a bit of time and money in permanent removal of these hairs. i would personally recommend that over plucking those hairs for the rest of your life. and like Dee said, you didn’t create this by shaving. They would have grown in regardless.