New electrologist

Ive been looking for a new electrologist and have been trying some in my area. The one closes to me, has the nicest set up, but Im not sure. She has been doing it two years. She uses galvanic on me. I booked a 30 minute appt and she only did the corners of my upper lip, she didnt even finish my upper lip. Also, sometimes it feels that the stylist tip is inserted at a wrong angle,but i could be wrong. Is it reasonable to spend 30 minutes doing the corners of my upper lip with galvanic? Should I ask her to use blend?
Should I keep looking?

I went to another lady who did galvanic and she finished my whole upper lip and eyebrows in 30 minutes, but she had a dog in her office which I know is against regulation. As much as a love dogs, its a regulation for a reason, and I didnt like that she would break regulation like that. My previous electrologist, before I moved, did thermolysis and could do my eyebrows, upper lip and work on another area such as my arms, stomach or back in 30 minutes.

I dont think the progress is out of line for someone who is doing galvanic, it tends to be a very slow prospect. If you are looking to make faster progress it honestly is not the modality I would choose though. But I can easily spend 2 hours on an upper lip and not clear it using blend.It depends on the timing for treatment, how tdense the hair is how much progress will be made.

I’m not sure where you are or what regulation you are referring to in regards to dogs though.I’m of the opinion that it’s not horribly professional to have a pet around, but I’m not sure I know of any regulations from local health department prohibiting them. I for example work from my home, and my lab is never far away when I treat a client ( though I usually kick her out of the room I’m treating in). I do have a client who has an alergy however, and for that client I keep the dog in the back yard while I treat and scour the treatment area beforehand. In over a year that client hasnt found sufficient reason to stop coming to see me for electrolysis and makes sure to take an antihistimine before she starts. Also note in the case of a therapy dog or other service dog, neither the health department or bylaw can legally make a business owner or employee get the pet out of the business, because there are laws in place protecting such a right.As long as the dog is not jumping on the client or contaminating the treatment area or equipment, there isnt much of a problem.