New arrival, help?

Hi, im only 16 and from about last yearish more hair has started growing. It pretty much covers everything : Upper lip, Breasts, Upperarms Stomach, Whole back, all over the Bum, Back and front of my thieghs. (ofcourse the more expected pubic area, lower legs and arms too, but they don’t phase me as much.)the hair also just seems to connect like there isn’t a hairless patch there is always all over like a thin coating.

The hairs while thin, are realy dark and about over 1cm long (more darker thicker ones are apearing too.) and there is so many all over.

When it wasn’t as bad i went to the doctors, he passed it off as ‘normal’ or mentioned lanugo, which provided me with false hope.
It spread and got darker and my anxiety became alot worse so i went back, a different doctor and she laughed and had no clue what to do.
Now it all over nearly every body part, i cracked i can’t shower without taking a panic attack i can’t wear short sleeves or anything (which is realy hard to bear now its summer.) So im with my third doctor, who said its ‘normal’ in my mind this much hair is definately not normal, most girls can put on a bikini without having to worry about all this unwanted hair i feel like a man. She also said its not lanugo because it is darker, not white.
Im underweight so she keeps clinging to that fact instead of seeing my real problem and the cause of the anxiety is my hair so after much persuasion she has took blood tests, (im not sure if they are for hormones because when i asked the nurse she mentioned weight) the lab mucked the up, so i suffered a week of crying and torture for nothing. now im waiting again and i have been refered to the young peoples dep. for anxiety and stuff, which after attending today has made me 10x worse as they dismissed the problem entirely.

Its so hard to try stay happy for my friends and boyfriend and I don’t know what to do but im at my limit.

That was probably quite a list but i needed to vent.

You’ll see many stories like yours here. You’re 16 and that’s when hormones are raging. It sounds like the hair may be hormonal.

You should schedule an appt specifically with an endocrinologist doctor who specializes in hormonal issues.

Not all people with hormonal issues have weight issues or issues with their periods.

Why do we have the habit of thinking that excess hair is a symptom of a pathology?
The search for a better life for ourselves and our family has caused people of different cultures migrating to other countries where people are basically less hairy. The desire for integration makes us forget our own identity based on our genetic patterns. This does not make us people who suffer from a disease, in any case, we suffer from a disease called Alzheimer.

Once I read that people are born with blond hair and blue eyes (ideal of the Aryan race) is due to a mutation of the gene “HERC2.” The mutation occurred in the Caucasian area 6.000/10.000 years ago and later reached Europe. So all humans originally had brown eyes and dark hairs.
The mixture did the rest of the work and through that we can admire unique beauties like Aishwarya Rai or Vanessa Williams.

It is imperative that we are conscientious about this issue. It is a matter of aesthetics, of hygiene, of fashion, of pleasure of enjoying a smooth skin. But in 99% of cases is never a health issue or loss of it.

Josefa (dark hair, green eyes…and ex-hairy)

How underweight are you? I’m not sure you need to see an endocrinologist.

Yeah, i would like to see a endocrinologist just incase it will also clear my worry a bit.

Maybe its not but it can be so i’d like to know, i just want to be able to be comfortable with my boyfriend not to see a body covered in hair that closely rivals his own at the moment. And to be able to what most other women and girls can do without being hindered by covering my entire body all the time.

Im 46.7 kg so 7 stone 5 poundish. (it has dropped a little cause of the mass anxiety and what not) and maybe around 168m in height (just a little about average i was told)
In the chart the woman showed me i was a fair bit below what i should be, but never mentioned that the hair maybe of been due to the weight.

Is is not that easy to get an appointment with an endocrinologist. If you are underweight due to anxiety or an eating disorder, seeing an endocrinologist will be a waste of both of your time. Do you understand where I am going with this?

Ive always been underweight i think it runs in the family. :s no, expand?