New and in need of desperate support :(

Hi everyone. I’m Laura and I’m new to this site.
I’m 22 years old and a student at the moment. I don’t really know what to say, all I know is that I’m becoming suicidal. I noticed my hair when I was about 13. It started to grow thicker down the sides of my face and spine. Now, I’m cursed with thick blonde hair on my chin, top lip, side-burns, lower back, fuzzy shoulders, arms, tummy line (both sides), spine and nipples. I’ve been trying to control it for years but it’s ruined my confidence and relationships with people. I tried to get it removed 3 years ago but was turned away for having blonde hair. I dont want to have to shave all these areas to remove it via laser. What can I do??? I’m desperate because I don’t feel I can go on living with this emotional pain. I hate myself and I just want to finish it.

Can anyone help me? I need a method that reduces or removes the blonde hair without shaving. My skin is not fair, as I tan easily. Please can someone help before I do something drastic.

I’d rather be in a tonne of debt than feeling this way anymore :frowning:

Thanks x x x

Electrolysis will permanently remove any type of hair on any type of skin. The drawback is that it can only do it one hair at a time (so it’s best to pick one or two areas that bother you to start with, because it can take a while).

It can be expensive, and it can take a year or longer (due the nature of hair growth cycles), but it’s certainly a better option than suicide.

They are working on methods that allow blonde hairs to be treated with laser (by applying pigments in the follicle I believe), but for now laser is definitely not an option for you.

You’re actually lucky that you’re tan with blonde hair, even though it may not feel that way. I have paper-white skin and black hair, so even when I shave you can still see the hairs under my skin. Most of the hair is too fine for laser (which requires coarse hair, like in your armpit or bikini area). So we’re in the same boat, but I’m guessing you look infinitely prettier due to your coloring. :slight_smile:

hello laura,

please, please don’t despair! firstly - you’re not alone - a ton of women have fuzzy hair absolutely all over their bodies. i also have a line all the way down my tummy, down my spine, on my upper back, lower back and buttocks. it’s totally normal. as someone like magicalprincess who has dark hair and pale skin, i wish almost every day that i was naturally blonde like you! even as i am, i don’t even think about the fuzz because it’s more important to me to get rid of coarse hair on my arms and legs. no guy has EVER been bothered by it. in fact, i know a lot of men find blonde hair on tanned skin on a woman’s arms, back or tummy to be really cute.

if i were you, i would start looking for a great electrologist and focus on areas which are most demoralising - chin, top lip and nipples. these are relatively small areas and i promise you will start to see a difference quickly, and you’ll gain confidence with the process. if you let us know where you’re located, then other people can give you recommendations. you’ll be able to integrate it into your weekly schedule and even the regularity of your appointments can help you to psychologically deal with the problem.

i hope it helps to know that many, many other people are dealing with similar difficulties and that it IS possible either to remove this hair, or to learn not to hate it so much.

Hello Laura.
I am new here also, and usually I don’t speak up on forum like this, but I could not ignore your post.

I really do hope you are not suicidal.
First of all, have you consider seeing endocrine doctor?
Doctor may have good idea of the cause of your excess hair problem.

Electrolysis takes time, especially multiple and large areas, but it will work.
AS MgicalPrincessKitty mentioned, you can pick one or two area to get treatments, and for other parts of your body, maybe you can get WAXed.
As an Electrologist, I never recommend WAXing to my clients, but in your case, once in a while WAX could be OK while you gets other parts treated by electrolysis, since it must be really inconvenient shave some areas of your body.
(I am sure other people have better idea, too.)

But the biggest thing is that you are now communicating in this forum, it should help you. You are not alone with this hair problem, and there are so many people with the same problem, experience and also professional advice to share.

I hope you feel better about yourself.
Don’t think of ending your problem the very wrong way!


Congratulations on making a post and seeking support and assistance. :slight_smile:

I amongst many others know the pain you’re going through. I have felt overwhelmed, even suicidal, many times over way too much body hair (for my liking), the acne-redness and pain caused by shaving my face often etc. I have spent many many thousands on a variety treatments and probably every gadget/method you can think of.

As many here will say, the only way to go is with electrolysis. Of which I am now doing lots.

Like yourself, laser was not a great option. I mostly have blonde ginger hairs. Nevertheless I have had a lot of IPL and laser done anyway, which has thinned the darkest ginger-brown coarse hairs.

By “thinned” I mean the hairs are still coming back (after 10 treatments over 16 months) but thinnner and weaker than they were. Worse, laser made many of the blonder finer hairs come out darker and thicker - but not dark or coarse enough to be removed by laser!

So I am now doing electrolysis. I wish I had from the start.

By the way, I can affirm that a lot of guys, myself included, find blonde fuzz hair and even darker fuzz absolutely adorable, anywhere, including side burns and other facial areas.

Seriously, I see that on a lady and I go all sheepish ga-ga. It’s like seeing stars in the night sky, or shimmers of light on the water… or something like that! It can be very attractive. It does something to our core.

Anyone who says otherwise, who says negative things, probably has emotional problems and has a hidden agenda to make others feel bad about themselves. So disregard any comments from such people. Maybe feel sorry for them instead :wink: For they are so miserable and misguided in it that they seek to make others miserable too!

So I hope you can learn to be happy about those hairs, the fuzz, and focus your concern and efforts firstly on any thick darker coarse hairs that people can see ie. maybe electrolysis around mouth areas.

Most of all, focus on the positive things in your life. For we get ourselves into a depressing mental pit by obsessing on negative self-destructive thoughts of “I am not worthy enough to be happy and enjoy life because of these hairs!”

I’ve thought myself into total despair many times like that. And gave up on really living life. But it is rather silly, isn’t it?

The good news is we can do the opposite. Those self-destructive thoughts can be neutralised by choosing to focus on positive things… There are always positive things to think about - pets you love to be with and who love you, family & friends you love to hang out with and who love you, music you love, movies, books, nature, arts, things you’ve achieved or plan to do in future etc.

Make an effort to think about and immerse yourself in those positive thoughts and activities regularly. It makes a huge difference.

Finally, my first long-term girlfriend (and dear friend now) had dark coarse hair up to and above her belly button, hairy arms, fuzz on her face and elsewhere. I recall her telling me she started shaving her legs and arms (!) when she was 10 - though stopped on the arms later. She doesn’t even bother shaving her legs or armpits that often. Though if not she does tend to cover them up when she goes out.

And she has had an absolute ball in life, has had many lovers (all male), she is an exceptionally good lover, she lives life on her own terms and is highly respected and considered very attractive (in the highly-vane fashion industry and clubbing scene!) It’s all because she projects an energy of confidence and of “life is meant to be fun” about herself. And this comes out as genuine great beauty.

I hope this helps you.

with best wishes.

There are many people on this forum in the same situation as you and worse (full beards and dark very visible hair that causes shadows). Please read their posts and how they’re dealing with it. You’re definitely not alone.

First thing I would advise is for you to see a good endocrinologist. There may be a reason for the growth that has to do with hormonal imbalance, thyroid issue, etc. There are some things available to control these conditions like birth control pills, spiro, etc.

Laser can’t remove blonde hair. But electrolysis can remove all types of hair permanently. Fastest method can remove 5-10 hairs per minute. You can save up money and start with areas that bother you most.

Meanwhile, you can remove the hair via temporary methods. There is nothing wrong with shaving. Contrary to a popular old wive’s tale, it doesn’t make the hair worse at all. It’s not any different than getting a haircut. The reason people tend to think shaving makes things worse is because they start shaving when they’re young and are in the middle of developing new hair anyway. One has nothing to do with the other though. The hair would have grown in regardless.

Waxing is also an option. You can do it at a salon or yourself on some areas. Results last several weeks.

Thanks for your reply :). It’s been a tough week for me. It’s hard to feel pretty when all you see is the hair invading your skin. I have to make a point of staying out of direct sunshine because it highlights my blonde hair. It’s getting me so down. I’m 22 and I don’t act like it because of this. It’s not just this that I suffer with, i’ve been plagued by stretch marks in the areas where my hair is less obvious. So I’m constantly covering up. Which means I can’t tan! :frowning: x x

Thank you for your kind replies :slight_smile: How would I go about seeing an endocrinologist? The doctors? I’m terrified of admitting my problem face to face with another human! I’ve never spoken of it to anyone.

x x

Stretch marks! They are the work of the devil, I swear. They show up for NO REASON sometimes, and never go away. I have some (they are the same color as my skin, but they reflect light differently and seem “shiny”), so I can’t wear a bathing suit either or I look like a freaking tabby cat from the wrong angle!

Endocrinologists are used to deal with this kind of problems. Nothing to hide - but important if You really want to get rid of the excess hair because several kinds of non standard hormonal state might cause excess hair growth.

Electrologists can only remove whats already there. Hormones can wake up all sleeping follicles over time and thus compensate for any reduction of hair. That’s why it is important to have a check up and take measures to stabilize the situation if necessary.

Maybe it is easier for You to look for a female physician?

Grrrrr I growl at stretch mark! Well yeah they are aweful, but, it’s that thing about myself Im resigned to, just goota get the hair gone now

many times stretch marks in the skin are a sign of zinc deficiency, increase the zinc intake, and the marks go away. This is why some pregnant women get stretch marks, and others don’t.

Endocrinologists are specialist doctors dealing with hormonal issues. There is nothing to be afraid of. They deal with this type of thing daily!