Nervous, very nervous

I know this may well of been asked before, but any advice on helping shed some of the nervs for my first time treatment, doing my head which is telling me not to bother. Thank you, I’m sorry if this question annoy’s anyone!

You are working yourself up over nothing and possibly dooming yourself to failure. My advice is to not start electrolysis until you are sufficiently motivated to give it a go and drop the jitters. Until such time you will likely over-react to the treatment which in turn will make matters more difficult for you and the electrologist. To circumvent this issue I never recommend electrolysis for anyone that is overly nervous.

Agree with FlyingProbe. Other things make you nervous, as well, I assume??? How do you cope with other new situations? When my daughter was ready to have her first baby, labor had started and she pathetically said, “What have I got myself in to?”. I lovingly told her it was time to “buck up” and move forward with positivity. Nervousness is the human condition. No escaping it. Embrace it and figure out what you need to do in order to cope better with the task at hand.

Electrolysis is a low risk procedure. I can think of worse situations that would make me nervous.

TheFlyingProbe and dfahey, I do over think and get anxious about various things, Some days I can ride my bike, some days I cant, simply thinking the worst will happen,(I blame the crazy drivers for that :grin: ) As you have both said, working myself up over something that is a low risk procedure. Failing without trying, I do hate about my negative ways. I need to keep in my mind the positives of electrolysis I read, not the negatives I shouldn’t read. I have the first intro appointment soon and I know once that is done, it will be a whole lot easier. Thank you both very much for your time in replying, much appreciated.

What are you nervous about? Temporary skin reactions, scars, effectiveness, pain, length?

I would say pretty much all of what you’ve said Zapmyface. I think to much on the negatives rather than the positives and so I now avoid reading the posts behind the headline that I know will not help!