Generally yes. If possible see if they can do an actual patch though. Many places do a patch test by firing 1 pulse of the laser and that’s it. Very hard to tell a reaction from that. When I wanted to try laser on my beard, I had a test patch done and they did ONE shot on my neck. The ironic thing was the area changed colour a bit after, like it was almost brownish which had me concerned. I decided to just do the treatment anyway and did my entire face and neck, and have none of that reaction. So was really the opposite.
Either way you mention having a bad reaction after a few sessions. You’d have a bad reaction immediately after the laser. It wouldn’t suddenly appear weeks later. Either way, if you’ve never done laser before or are trying a new clinic, I’d recommend doing a small area like underarms. Most clinics charge $60-80 for underarms so it’s a small expense to pay to see how the clinic is. It allows you to see if they hit the entire area, see if they do a touchup if required, etc. Then worst case if you have a bad reaction, it’s not visible as say doing your face, or arms or a more visible area.