Need User Manual for Apilus Junior Plus

Hello fellow hair professionals, information seekers, diy-ers.

Looking for some help in getting a hard copy or e-copy of user’s manual for Apilus Junior Plus.

Anyone willing to share for a reasonable ‘user fee’? Ship, copy, ship back with all expenses paid.

Thanks everyone in advance for any advice/info/ideas.

Starting out on a ‘grand hairless adventure’.

Have you tried contacting Dectro International directly?

Yes, so far nothing but I only sent emails, maybe I should call in person on the phone.

Got it,
Thanks for the help from that nice person.


I am also trying to get a manual can you tell me how you managed to get one please?
Many Thanks

I sent you a PM.

Hi! After quite a lot of trying, I now have my own Apilus Junior Plus. Would you be able to send me a PM as well about where you found the manual? I hope you’re getting good use out of yours and that it’s going well!

I sent you a message.

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Hi, could you help me too. Please. I‘m also looking for a manual for the apilus junior plus!!
Thanks already!

I sent you a message.

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Hello Dimitrov, would you happen to still have the user manual for the apilus junior plus? Thank you so much!

Hi Chandler, I sent you a message. Best . Dimi

Hi, can you please send me manual for the apilus junior plus!!
Thanks already!

Send PM with your email
Thank you!

Hi Dimitrov,
I am a little late to this thread, but I also find myself in need of a user manual for the Apilus Junior Plus. I tried contacting the company but have not heard anything. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you.

Hi Tara,
I need your email. I can not send PDF from this site.


Thank you so much!!

HI There! I know so many have asked you but I was hoping you could send me the user manual to the Apilus Junior Plus also. Thank you so much!!

Sorry for bothering you. I really really need the manual. Can you or anyone else please send it to me. Thank you so much in advance