[color:#3366FF] Dee said: “There is no other permanent hair removal creams, lotions or magical other things that permanently affects the hair follicle. Any other methods are temporary.”[/color]
Are you one hundred per cent sure about this?
[color:#3366FF] Oh, yal! I do hair removal for a living and pay close attention to all possibilities.[/color]
Thanks for your support, I appreciate it, really. But I can’t seem to get over it.
When I see people on the beach flaunting with their hearless body I just become jealous and angry, why am i not like them: HEARLESS. Sometimes I just feel depressed and helpless. This is absolutely no fun! at all!
[color:#3366FF]Look at this in another way then: If you are not spending much time at the beach because of fur, then you are less likely to set yourself up to develop basil cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or the worst of them all, [color:#FF0000]MELANOMA[/color][/color]. Secondly, while all those crazy kids are running around under the sun, they are damaging their skin and inducing premature aging. Do you really want to look like grandpa when you are only 40 years old! Think about this: Deep wrinkles and cancer is a huge price to pay for some fun in the sun when you are young. There are healthier ways to have fun with your friends. There is always a way to change the heart and mind so you can adapt to a situation you cannot change. Transformation is hard work, no doubt. Do you really want to be depressed over hair? In time, you will earn money and can go forward with a hair removal plan. You can’t help that you are in a challenging college major, have no money or have no time to take on a job to earn money right now for hair removal. Those are the cards you were dealt at this time in your life, so adapt in meaningful ways and look forward to the future when you are in a more powerful position to do something about this. Everything we do takes patience and perseverance.
I look at my own past hairiness as a gift. It strengthened me. I could write more about that part, but I think you already know how all that would go. I am not a psychologist and don’t wish to be one, but that’s my heartfelt take on your issue.