need some help

Hi gals and lads,

got a problem… i’m hairy as fuck (sorry for the word but i have to say it)

im a male and 18 (next month 19) i struglle with excessive hair,
my chest==> full of hair
shoulders==>full of hair
abdomen==>full of hair
leggs==>full of hair
arms==>full of hair (i even have hair on my biceps can you believe that!??)
ass==>my god :-s
back==>moderate but still to much this is not normal

so i got a question, since im a student and do not work nor do i have any money dont say: go get a laser treatment!.

is there a product out there in form of a gel, spray, cream, pills, that PERMANENTLY removes hair??
and i don’t want scammers.

is it true that only electrosis and lasers can remove hair permanently?

please guys, please help me from this misery and depression i feel like crap all the time, im obsessed by it.

ps: sorry for my english but it is not my native language.

Your english is better than most english speaking citizens of the world.

Yes, there are only two methods that give you the gift of permanenet hair removal - electrolysis is the gold standard because it can remove any hair structure, any color of hair on any color of skin. Laser permanently removes hair (reduction) in certain situations.

There is no other permanent hair removal creams, lotions or magical other things that permanently affects the hair follicle. Any other methods are temporary.

You will have to wait, get a job, and earn money for anything that is permanent. I know it is hard for you, but these are the simple facts. A combination approach with with laser first for appropriate areas, followed by electrolysis for the rest, will help you realize your goal faster. Focus on the area that bothers you the most, initially and then expand out to the next area.

Until you can get laser and electrolysis, you will have to find creative ways to disguise the hair or have a change of heart and accept that you have a lot of hair, but you can still manage to be a happy young man. There is no easy way down and you probably know that already. Your mind is more powerful than a hair follicle.


Shave it off a cheap and effective method if done correctly and is fashionable, keeping or getting a tan helps disguise any regrowth if your skin is pale then try and save some money and have the areas that bother you most waxed when get regrowth it might not be so painfull then

I would avoid hair removal creams etc.

Look for a training college near you that offers cut price waxing etc you may be lucky and find they do laser and electrolysis too.

[color:#3366FF] Dee said: “There is no other permanent hair removal creams, lotions or magical other things that permanently affects the hair follicle. Any other methods are temporary.”[/color]

Are you one hundred per cent sure about this?

[color:#3366FF] Oh, yal! I do hair removal for a living and pay close attention to all possibilities.[/color]

Thanks for your support, I appreciate it, really. But I can’t seem to get over it.
When I see people on the beach flaunting with their hearless body I just become jealous and angry, why am i not like them: HEARLESS. Sometimes I just feel depressed and helpless. This is absolutely no fun! at all!

[color:#3366FF]Look at this in another way then: If you are not spending much time at the beach because of fur, then you are less likely to set yourself up to develop basil cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or the worst of them all, [color:#FF0000]MELANOMA[/color][/color]. Secondly, while all those crazy kids are running around under the sun, they are damaging their skin and inducing premature aging. Do you really want to look like grandpa when you are only 40 years old! Think about this: Deep wrinkles and cancer is a huge price to pay for some fun in the sun when you are young. There are healthier ways to have fun with your friends. There is always a way to change the heart and mind so you can adapt to a situation you cannot change. Transformation is hard work, no doubt. Do you really want to be depressed over hair? In time, you will earn money and can go forward with a hair removal plan. You can’t help that you are in a challenging college major, have no money or have no time to take on a job to earn money right now for hair removal. Those are the cards you were dealt at this time in your life, so adapt in meaningful ways and look forward to the future when you are in a more powerful position to do something about this. Everything we do takes patience and perseverance.

I look at my own past hairiness as a gift. It strengthened me. I could write more about that part, but I think you already know how all that would go. I am not a psychologist and don’t wish to be one, but that’s my heartfelt take on your issue.


I feel your pain. It sucks to not be able to go shirtless with your friends. I guess just make it a long term goal to have it removed. Even if it took 5 years…what’s that compared to 80 years of smoothness?

Yes lets all live in a cave and avoid the DEMON SUN Dee I am interested in your view on these charts when MELANOMA incidence pales into significance

Your flippant attitude leaves me little desire to communicate with you, but in the spirit of giving you more respect than you offered me, I will.

Are you saying that protecting your skin from the sun is silly because there are 8,000 deaths a year from melanoma as opposed to 50,000 deaths a year due to all forms of colorectal cancer? Have you ever known anyone who had a skin cancer? Have you witnessed someone dying of melanoma? I have. It’s horrible. Have you witnessed a squamous cell case where part of the face has to be cut away? I have. A lot of these cancers start early in life and are related to over exposure to the sun. You already know that. Anyone not living in a cave knows that. Whether skin cancer claims more lives than colorectal cancers per year is meaningless. If it happens to be someone you love, statistics do not matter.

I would like you to tell me if you think my advise was made up? Vitamin D recommendations have increased. Can one not get enough Vitamin D per day by being exposed to the sun for about 10-20 minutes? How about getting Vitamin D in our diet? Would oral supplementation please you?

I’m not interested in SUNARC. I gazed at the website briefly and was unimpressed. I know most of that stuff anyway. I also know about skin cancers and what is recommended to prevent them.

Did I explain that well enough?

feeding - there are lots of guys in the same exact sitation as you. they avoid situations where they have to take their shirts off etc. don’t feel alone. most people hide this issue in different ways because society is making us believe that it’s not normal in some way, when in fact it’s a lot more common than you may think.

your best option right now is to shave. it’s cheap and simple and you can do it at home. for those summer situations, get a wax on your back and shoulders. on all the other areas, it’s considered “normal” for a guy to have hair. so i wouldn’t worry about it that much. if you get intimate with a girl and feel uncomfortable, you can wax your buttocks as well.

once you get to a point where you can work a bit part time and save a bit of money, you can start considering laser and electrolysis. laser will be great for all the areas with COARSE DENSE hair. even a few good treatments will make a difference. you can finish with electrolysis on any areas that you want 100% removal or any smaller areas where precision is necessary, or any areas that don’t have coarse hair.

also, this isn’t easy to hear, but be prepared for more growth. more guys develop hair into their late 20s.

Shaving makes it worse I think/heard

Thanks for your empathy templje.

I know!! that’s why i’m so panicky! is that even a word? lol.

Hi guys, i just saw on tv (you know that tellsell) a device called no!no! do you really think that it’s the same ole’ bullshit like the previous device called “salon hair laser removal”

Anyone have experience with this devices? The NO!NO! guarantees 64% HAIRREDUCTION while the salon hair laser remover promises PERMANENT hairremoval


We have discussed that scam many times. Unfortunately, the devils picked that name for the product specifically beause search engines filter out words like no, and, but, and therefore you can’t even search for the no-no, no!No! No-No on this site or even Google and see all the bad review that product has received.

Save your money, or just mail it to me if you have money to burn like that.

lol you’re funny James
Do you personnaly have experience with this devices?

No, I would never buy one of these just to wast my time. It is a little like asking a personal trainer if he has ever bought one of those pieces of fitness equipment advertised at 3am on cable channel #537. He will flex his biceps so that they dance, and say “Um, NO!” as if you just asked a dentist if he eats candy apples and cotton candy.

The point is that a professional like myself can look at what the product claims to do, and what its components are, and tell you right away, that this thing can’t do what it says that it does.

thanks for your explanation. I get your point.

but maybe there are some people out there that experienced changes with these devices? you never know.

Isn’t it ironic we can save millions of people with surgery/therapy (ex harttransplantation) and so on… YET we can’t find an easy remedy/solution for unwanted hair that PERMANENTLY removes hair.

hi fella, all I can say is unless you got stacks of money there is NO permanent solution. I’m female and grew a beard at age 21 - boy did that mess me up! But a coupke of years later i decidded i had to get real and accept myself and love myself whatever. So that’s my answer, though it may not be the one you want to hear. there are plenty of women out there who will love you no matter how much hair you got - and at least when you find the one’s who do, you’ll know they love you for you!