Need Help - MN laser removal

I have PCOS and my dermatologist put me on spironolactone and gave me a prescription for vaniqa and told me laser and vaniqa is the best way to get rid of facial hair - I have dark, coarse chin/upper lip hair. My skin type is probably a IV or V I’m not sure (mixed Puerto Rican/Black/Native American)

Does anyone know anything about Permanent Choice in Minnesota or Dr. Zelickson? Those are the two I am considering. I can’t seem to find many reviews on either of them with laser hair removal. I’m leaning towards the doctor at the moment, however the owner of Permanent Choice has mentioned she has treated some of the doctor’s patients implying they weren’t satisfied with what he did. So now I don’t know what to do. She uses the Lightsheer Diode and I think he has multiple lasers but from what I’ve read I think he might use GentleLASE.

Any advice on lasers/doctors would be appreciated. Permanent Choice is not run by a doctor…but she seems to have a lot of experience and previously worked for Dr. Crutchfield.

GentleLASE is not good for you. For your skin type, you need a YAG laser such as GentleYAG, GentleMAX, Coolglide, Apogee Elite, Sciton, etc. ONLY go with a clinic that carries one of these.

Run a search here for your state and see if there are other discussions about it in past threads. Also, please read our FAQs asap - link below. You need to understand them so you can judge for yourself who is good when you go for consultations.

Finally, there are other ways to find clinics. We also mention them in FAQs. Candela’s website has a clinic search by machine type (GentleLASE and GentleMAX are made by them). There is Google too. Once you read the FAQs and some of this forum, you’ll know what to look for. We also provide a list of question to take to your free consultation - link below.

Vaniqa doesn’t provide any permanent removal btw. It just slows down the growth slightly so you have to shave a bit less often. It’s not worth the cost in my opinion given that you can spend that money on permanent removal methods such as laser and electrolysis. Also, understand that laser removes only coarse dense hair. At some point, only some fine hair will remain, for which you’ll need electrolysis if you want them removed as well.

Also, if you stop the hormone-controlling medication you’re on, your body may develop NEW hair for which you may need touchups.