Need help finding the right clinic in london..

I need to find a good clinic with both a GentleLase and a YAG, as I’m not sure if my skin is light enough for a GentleLase, and at the same time I don’t want them to force the wrong machine to treat me with, because they only have one of the two.

I’ve tried searching for some reviews on this forum using the “advance search”, but without any luck.

Please help me…

hi oscar,

read my thread that’s currently on the first page ‘First Laser Consultation (UK)’. i go to renewmedica and they have 3 or 4 types of laser i believe.

someone i know was having very bad IPL for something like 2 years, i suggested she try the private laser clinic at the royal free hospital. they also have 2 or 3 types of laser. she’s having treatment on her face, has had 2 so far and is really happy with the results.

we are both asian with type iv skin. i’m sure both places will be able to tell you which laser will be most suitable for your skin type. go for some consultations!

Please add your location to your profile!

When you use Advanced Search, just search for “london” in the LHR section and expand the search to at least 3 years.

Also, look for posts by Benji.

I am located in Denmark, but it seems like we only have IPLs here, so I’am forced to do a little travlling, to get to a clinic with true lasers…

Hi - I use SK:N clinics in Harley St (they have other branches too) - they use the cynosure elite which goes either Alexandrite or Yag.

How many treatments have you had so far, and how are the results?
I gave em’ a call, but they seem a little too pushy. They weren’t really interested in answering my questions, and was just busy trying to get me to sign up.

Yeah, there are better clinics in London. Did you find the two threads about them? Use the Advaced Search and expand to 2-3 years.

The problem when you call is that you speak to some idiots in a call centre. I would recommend actually going to the clinic and talking face-to-face. Or book a test patch and ask your questions then. To date I have had:

3 treatments for legs/butt with about 50% reduction, I had the 4th treatment today. I had a 20 week gap between treatments 2 & 3 and the reduction was very impressive even after 2 treatments.

4 full back - I had some coarse patches which are now completely gone, but I have induced hair growth evenly all over now, but this is reacting well also and is almost gone also.

4 arms - again very impressive results, similar to legs, but some induced in upper arm, but again this is reacting to further treatment and I will switch to electrolysis to finish off (I count maybe 200 hairs which need finishing off on the upper arm).