I had a consultation a few days ago for my legs and bikini. I have A LOT of coarse black hair. She was actually surprised when I lifted my pants leg to show her. I have olive-toned skin but I have stayed out of the sun for the past year so I’m relatively pale.
The woman is a RN and she’s the most experienced in my area. I told her I assume I’m a type IV but she said I’m definitely not and that she considers me “light” for laser. She did a test patch on my leg three days ago. The redness has gone away and I don’t have any stubble yet.
I’m not quite sure what machine she used on me. It’s a GentleLASE but she said it has two machines in one. One is an Alexandrite, but I’m not sure if that’s the one she used on me. Would the other machine be a Yag? The only information on their website says that they use Candela’s DCD cooling.
I told her that I wanted her to use the maximum settings that wouldn’t damage my skin. She isn’t comfortable going above 12 joules although I think she might increase it a bit if my skin doesn’t show a bad reaction after my first treatment (which it hasn’t so far). I’d prefer to start off with the highest settings that I can tolerate. The office is closed right now but I will call to get more information on the machine and the settings she used.
Based on what I described about my hair and skin, what machine and what settings would be best for achieving good results?
Thank you!