I am hoping for laser in the near future, but my concern is the cost. I’m a student, so I can’t afford to get four to six treatments a few weeks apart, as suggested. I’m wondering if it would work just as well to get treatments as I can afford them, which would be at least several months apart, but it would be a start at least. My concern is if I wait that long, that hair that does grow back will regain its full strenght and I will basically have to start treatment over on those hairs. I know the effects are addative. I’m just eager to get this resolved as soon as possible.
Some considerations: I have type II skin, almost white in a lot places, very dark almost black hair in most places, the areas to be done are neck (but not beard), shoulders, abs, back and tops of arms. I would start with the neck/shoulders, and I wouldn’t have to do all the aforementioned areas at once. I’m mail, 20, and I don’t care at all about pain. Also, I don’t need full permanent removal, just vast permanent reduction, say 75-80% by the time I’m done.
Perhaps the reason is that as I a student, if I decide to wait, I’d have to wait at least a year to start treatments, as I will be too busy to keep going back for touch ups (I could squeeze in an appointment here or there, I suppose).
Also, I live in Cleveland OH and just found out the Cleveland Clinic offers LHR. I have not yet had a consultation but they are highly ranked in all areas of medicine, including number one in the world in cardiology, so if any of that skill transfers to LHR, I feel like I should take advantage of the opprotunity while I still live here, as after I graduate I will probably be moving.
So, back to my original question: I want to start going for treatments as I can afford/fit them in, but I’m not sure if that will stunt the results. What should I do? Any advice.