nd yag vs alexandrite

I am thinking about doing laser to remove my torax and abdomen hair. My skin is not dark tanned, but I have dark hair. I wish someone could help me choosing between nd-yag laser and alexandrite laser, altough there are no comparative long-term studies, which one is more effective? Also yag seems to be so much cheaper than alexandrite here… thank you

My practitioner has used alexandrite and Nd:YAG lasers, in addition to the diode laser. She says that the Ns:YAG laser requires more treatments to achieve the same results as an alexandrite or diode laser. It is best for people with dark skin.

My opinion is that the diode laser, like the Lightsheer, is the best wth the alexandrite being second. I have never been treated with the ND:YAG laser. My skin type IV and I am very happy with the results of the Lightsheer laser.


Yes, Nd:YAG is generally considered somewhat safer but less effective for long-term or permanent reduction.