I had my first treatment with this methode (Pneumatic Skin Flattening)using Nd: YAG HR machine. I didn’t ask what the strength of the machine used on my upper lips but it hurt so much. I could smell the hair burning and afterwards I had red and swollen skin above my lips. They asked me to come back in 4 weeks but after reading so much here I think 4 weeks is too soon to have the second treatment. I paid 40 Euros (almost 60 dollars) for a session. After a week I didn’t see any hair growing out but I have small bumps that look like aftershave bumps. Is this normal for upper lips? My skin is IV type and my upperlips hair are coarse and dark and there were lots of them. They also told me I will only need 4 to 6 sessions to get rid of the hairs. Is this normal expectation? Thank you in advance for the answer.
Yes, 4 weeks is too early. You shouldn’t have anything to treat at that point if the treatment was effective. 6-8 properly spaced treatments are normally necessary overall.
Bumps or any side effects after a week are not normal. You should show it to your clinic. Can you describe the bumps or post a picture?
Description: the bumps look as if there are hairs underneath but when I dig them with with my pointed tweezers they wouldn’t come out. The dark shadow I have had it since I can remember. I have plucked these hairs since I was 14 and now I am 30.
By the way, I do not have much hairs in any part of my body. On my arms they are fine and almost invisible. On legs there are very few. But I still don’t know what causes me to have dark moustache.
It looks like pigmentation and some crusting to me. Not 100% positive. Hopefully others will weigh in as well. You shouldn’t be seeing pigmentation at correct settings. It sounds like the treatment settings were too powerful for your skin.
Can you find out what joules, pulse and spot size they’re using on you?
Also, keep in mind that this isn’t a lot of hair, so electrolysis is a good option as well.
Actually I have had the pigmentation since I started plucking. Can I get rid of that eventually with a certain treatment? I hope the bumps will go away.
Thanks LaGirl! To be honest, I am glad I had the procedure. But will the crusting go away?
These types of side effects are usually temporary, but you should definitely let the clinic know. They need to adjust the settings accordingly.
It looks like your pigmentation is a result of a change in skin color, not due to shadow from hair. You would have to see a dermatologist to see if there are products you can use or other treatments you can employ to reduce it, after you get the hair removed.
Thanks LaGirl, I will definitely look for a dermatologist after I am done with the laser.
Hyper pigmentation will go away. It just takes longer for darker skin tones. Using tweezers to “dig” at your skin is the last thing I would do. If your having laser hair removal treatments there is no reason to use tweezers. Plucking and tweezing is more likely to cause hyper pigmentation than LHR. Try a product like Tend Skin to help reduce the bumps.
Thank pdeco.I think I am experiencing shedding after a week only. The bumps diminish slowly but the hyperpigmentation is still there. I still have a few questions, though.
- I once had laser a year ago in Indonesia using the same machine but never went back. I noticed that the hair was reduced but some hair were still growing. Probably 60-70 hairs. Do you think that in the laser treatment I had last week would kill these remaining hairs and will not grow again?
- The speed of my upper lips hairs growth are like of those men’s. I used to shave or pluck everyday. So, wouldn’t 4 weeks interval is enough for another treatment?
Everyone’s body is different, go in for your next treatment about 1-2 weeks after you see new growth. Four weeks may be too soon. Shaving is fine but plucking will cause stronger regrowth. If the remaining hairs you have are dark and coarse, LHR can treat them.
You need 6-8 treatments spaced about 8-12 weeks apart for permanent results because hair grows in cycles. So what you see at one point is not all the hair you actually have, but a portion of it. Each treatment kills a certain percentage of all the hair you have. If you only had one treatment before, you probably killed some of the hair. You’ll still need at least 4-5 treatments for most of the hair you still have to be gone.
PSF is not recommended for darker skin, as there is no cooling used with it. Also, the settings used are important. If you can give us that information, we can be of further assistance.
Thank you! I will ask what setting they use on me next time I am in the clinic.
I would call and ask for settings, so next time you come prepared.
So guys, can I use Hydroquinone while still on the laser treatment? I still have 5 laser treatment to go on my upper lips and I am planning to use Hydroquinone to get rid of the hyperpigmentation on my uppser lips. Or should I wait until I am done with the whole laser treatment?
I would consult your clinic and your dermatologist. Also, I would make sure they don’t use the PSF on you anymore to avoid more pigmentation.
Thank you Lagirl. I will make sure they don’t use PSF on me on my next treatment.