NAIR ON THE BACK....advice

im considering using a cream or nair on my back and shoulders and arms to get rid of my gorilla hair.

im very hairy and its coarse, after a bad reacction with waxing im asking if using a depilatory cream might be better…

who has done this?
how often do you have to do this?
will it get thicker?
will i have a stubly back?
will i getr 5 oclock shadow on my back?


Use depilatory creams with caution as they are chemical hair removers that dissolve the hair just under the skin. Some people suffer a reaction so always conduct a patch test on a small area of skin and wait 24 hours.

Waxing is without a doubt the best solution, but is painful as you have already experiences. With time you will become accustom to the pain which will lessen with subsequent waxing sessions.

To be honest depilatories are not much better than shaving in terms of the frequency of hair removal sessions required.

I shave my legs and know from experience that hair does grow back quite quickly and seems longer, and may be ever so slightly thicker. But this makes little difference as I have become accustom to removing it.

There is a great back shaver available called the Razorba, which a lot of men have started using. You can at least shave by yourself in the privacy of your own home.

this is basically same as shaving, except it’s using a chemical, so you need to make sure you’re not allergic to it etc by doing a test patch. it will grow back within a few days as with shaving. there are permanent methods like laser and electrolysis, but they do require committment and money.

If you have thick hair, nair doesn’t work very well. If it’s “Gorilla Hair” and it’s very thick…I think you would have a problem. I used Nair in between laser treatments when I didn’t have alot of hair and it worked pretty well. However, once the hair started growing back in I had horrible irritation and redness and it didn’t get rid of it. If Nair worked better than a razor people would use it on their beard.