I am 22 years old. I have been BATTLING body and facial hair for as loonng as I can remember.
Lately its been eating me up inside. I am too embarassed to do anything, go out in the sun, im afraid to drive with someone in my passenger seat because of how the light will hit my hairy face!! I could go on and on about all those little things I do related to my hair…
My body is an issue in itself…(i shave my arms and legs and sometimes my happy trail)… I guess what bothers me the most is i get hair around my nippled and in the middle of my chest… oh and my back is whole other thing… yuck.
but my biggest issue is my face… I have light skin and dark hair, so although the hairs on my cheeks, jawline, and neck are somewhat fine, they are dark so they are very noticeable… the hairs on my chin are mainly blonde, but kinda thick and long… my mustache is really gross and I can’t seem to find anything that works besides waxing… I’ve considered bleaching my cheeks, neck, and chin, hoping that will help…
Ive seen many people post this on here, but I too, also play that game of “is that girl hairy?” for example, I’ll be standing behind someone in line and I’ll look at their back, cheeks, chin, etc and compare myself to them… for the most part they just have cute baby peach fuzz hairs… I have yet to see someone as hairy as me…
I do have a boyfriend, and Im pretty sure he knows how hairy I am, and I guess he just doesnt care. the other day though he pointed out his hairy pale legs and said they were gross and that he hated hair. It just made me sink inside. But he’s always telling me how much he loves me and how beautiful I am and all that stuff. He has told me many times he wanted to get married, as well. I just dont know what his point was when he was pointing out his “gross hairy legs” that I could probably even beat him in a hair contest if I grew mine out!!!
anywayyy im now meeting with my doc tomorrow to check for any hormonal imbalances… and then i think im going to proceed with electrolysis… im just sick of waxing/plucking/shaving, just to have it return in a matter of days… being 22, and not being able to be myself, due to lack of confidenece and feeling alienated and bad about myself just makes me soooo much more frustrated.
overall I’m a really happy person, too. I mean, the only thing I dont like about myself is this hair issue. which is why its so frustrating. i feel happiness and confidence inside of me, but its just blocked by my dark little secret.
ive been reading this forum obsessively today, and its made me feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. ive never realized there were other women who worried so much about the hair on their neck/chest/cheeks/etc. id never WANT someone else to go through what Im going through, but its nice to know im not the only one… I acutally dont feel so alienated anymore.