Hey everyone! I’m starting this thread as my completely unbiased review and treatment diary for the Tria. Before flaming and bashing that home laser doesn’t work, let me give my background, experiences, why I bought the Tria and my expectations and so on.
I started laser around 1.5 years ago, doing 4 IPL sessions on my abdomen at my friends clinic. This was when I knew nothing about hair removal and didn’t know the difference with IPL or laser. After 1 or 2 sessions I researched more, found out IPL isn’t that great, but kept going because I thought I was being treated with LightSheer (by Lumines) not the IPL module. Around this time I started looking into the Silk’n and Tria because I thought wow if I can do home laser hair removal then why not and save a bunch of money. That’s actually how I found this forum, and you can even see some of my earliest posts are talking about the Silk’n. I used the Silk’n for awhile and had literally no results, not even shedding. I kept using it because I didn’t even really know fully how laser worked and didn’t even know I was supposed to shed. Needless to say, I sold the machine for the price I paid for it which was good, then after reading this site, switched to GentleLASE. At this time I gave up on home laser since I realized it’s impossible to permanently remove hair at home yourself. I know fully that home machines aren’t strong enough or powerful enough to permanently disable a hair, no matter what anyone says.
Since then, I’ve done LOTS of laser as you can see from my signature. I kept doing abdomen, added some of my chest there, I’m doing face, underarms, and forearms. Whenever someone mentioned Tria I’d always say it’s not permanent and brush it off.
Now, you’re probably wondering why I bought Tria then. There’s a few reasons. Vulpes I believe it was, had a post on here showing his experiences with it, saying it does work but is a pain to use, is slow and so on. I started thinking to myself, even with professional laser, after the hair sheds, you’re pretty much hair free for 2 months after that. Even when the hair grows back it comes back finer first and slower. So I started thinking to myself, even if Tria isn’t permanent, but causes my hair to shed and stay that way for 1-2 months, that’s perfectly acceptable to me. I have no intention of stopping professional laser, but I thought the Tria might be great on areas that I’d like to be hair free, but that don’t bug me enough to go for professional laser.
I found new Tria units on eBay, the new 5 setting model and was able to get it for $460 with free shipping. It’s actually out for delivery today so I’ll have it soon. The areas I’m going to test it on first are my feet, and then bikini area. I’m going to judge how the shedding goes, and if those areas shed and stay clear for awhile, I may try it on my legs, but only if it stays clear for awhile. I know full well it runs on battery and that it will take awhile, but if it takes me a day or two to cover both my legs, that’s perfectly fine for me (the benefits of owning your own business and working from home lol).
The other reason I bought the Tria is for everyone on this forum. As you know from previous posts, I’m not afraid to experiment with laser and try new things, so I feel it is a privileged to test the unit out and report back here for everyone on this site. I hope from being here almost a year and my post count, will give me creditability in that my review will be unbiased, coming from someone that’s done and is doing professional laser and from someone that doesn’t work for Tria! My thoughts are that even if it’s junk, I should be able to sell it. Even if I lose one or two hundred dollars on it I’m fine with that. So please don’t flame this post saying it doesn’t work, I’m doing this of course for myself in hopes that it temporarily removes hair on me (or permanently even better!), but I’m also doing it for all of you.
I’ll update this post as soon as I receive the unit and test it out. I plan on documenting it with photos before and after each treatment and will be happy to answer any questions that anyone has about the unit. Thanks everyone!