My Tria review with Youtube progress!

Hey ya’ll, ooh it’s good to be back :slight_smile: Little hiatus but thought I’d pop back on here. Anyway I bit the bullet and bought the Tria again. Everyone is probably thinking I’m insane. Not sure if anyone recalls but I had bought one off eBay a year or so ago that didn’t work at all and was a piece of garbage so I returned it. It didn’t work though because it was defective, like it wouldn’t charge. I’ve done lots more professional laser all with great results but I wanted to try to do more private areas now which no matter what I could never do at a clinic, so I wanted to check out the Tria again. I figure it has a 90 day guarantee (which may be hard to get back) but that’s enough time to see if I can at least get the hair to shed. If it doesn’t it’s going right back. I also wanted to try other techniques such as maybe firing in the same spot a couple times a la Soprano XL. It’s also a newer 2011 model with 5 settings now. I just remember when I had the Tria before it worked ONCE for about 3 shots on my ankle and it KILLED at high settings and felt just like LightSheer or another diode so I want to give it another shot.

I ordered it yesterday so will take a bit to get here but I made a quick YouTube video just now with an intro explaining my experience and why I’m getting the Tria etc to save me from doing that when I actually get the video. So go easy on me it’s my first youtube video and is a bit of rambling for 10 minutes. Video 2 will have the actual device with details on treatment etc.

I’m going to start a blog somewhere soon as well so I can post some before pictures and then progress. I want to do this to help others out who may be interested in the Tria and we’ll find out if it really does work. Plus I figure even if I use it a year or so with no real results I can easily sell it as well.

Here’s the youtube video:

subscribe, feedback etc :slight_smile:

Hey! Great to see you back on here. I’ll be following your progress on YouTube. Great first video!

Hey thanks! Hopefully the next ones will be better :slight_smile: Tria is supposed to be delivered today (well yesterday but never showed up, stupid Canada Post). So should have a new video soon.

Video 2 should be up in about 30 minutes :slight_smile:

Glad to see you back man! Will definitely be following your series.

PS: I think I read somewhere in one of your replies that you’re from Toronto? You lasered your face? How are your results? I usually shave every 4-5 days (I don’t mind the scruff but I absolutely hate shaving), but I’m just curious.

Hope it works out for ya!

Hey thanks, I’m going to post a new video soon I promise. So far the results are less than stellar though…

Yes I’m from Toronto and I’ve done my face. Same situation I don’t have tons of hair but just hate shaving. Have had great results, am on I think session 8 or 9 right now, it’s mostly chin and upper lip that’s the hardest part to treat not as great results there. Neck cheeks etc almost never need shaving now so I’m happy so far. I did 1 session on face with GentleLASE but the girl had no idea what she was doing, you could see all the spots she missed. Every other treatment was with Apogee Elite half with Yag and half with Alex.

Hey everyone,

Going to do an updated YouTube video but quick update, just called Tria to get a return form for the laser as it definitely doesn’t seem to work. I didn’t give it a huge chance, but I treated the areas shown in the videos, and some I treated 5 times over 1-2 days to really make sure it was treated, and I had 0 shedding. So back it goes!