Hello to all,
I am new to this forum and can’t even begin to express how glad i am to have found it. Basically, I am a 20 year old male who suffers from excess body hair. It all began when i was 12 years old and i began to grow an abnormal amount of hair on my legs and feet. At the age of 12 i had harrier legs than my dad.
Since then my body hair has been ony my mind all day everyday. today at the age of 20 i have hair pretty much everywhere and i know that i’m only going to get harrier as time progresses. Currently i nair my shoulders and upper back and trim pretty much everything else. Being a college student i really can’t afford laser hair removal or electrolysis. But as far as my goals are i would just like to get rid of the hair on my back, the rest i guess i can live with. if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE post them. this issue has been dictating my life for 8 years now and i really just want to feel comfortable with my body.
P.S- If anyone can tell me how much a session of laser hair removal for the back would approximately cost i would greatly appreciate it. Also from what i have read the lightsheer duet sounds like the most efficient and advanced laser device on the market. Does anyone know if because it can cover a larger surface area, sessions would be cheaper as they would take less time? Please help because i am growing more and more desperate with everyday that goes by.