So true. This is all so very subjective, since we are talking about pain. On the electrolysis side of things, I have very few clients that need EMLA because the machine and modality that I use is fairly comfortable. The middle upper lip is more ouchy than other areas whether it be with laser or electrolysis, however, if the hair is thin and light, less energy is used with electrolysis, making the only part of treatment that is uncomfortable is the eye tearing and stimulation of the sneeze reflex, if one is being treated by 27MHz technology, PicoFlash, or the better MicroFlash professional epilators.
EMLA response is pretty good for the most part. One hour is helpful, but for deep, coarse hairs 1.5 - 2 hours is even better if it is applied with a 1/4" thickness and then occulded.
I think you helped the poster, pdeco1, and thank God for EMLA. It is very helpful, I’m sure, for those first laser treatments where the hair is coarse and dense when the energy levels have to be increased to affect the hair. The feedback I get is laser hurts like hell in the beginning and if it doesn’t, then it it not as effective. Is that pretty much what your experience has been???
By the way adoreme, your pictures are fabulous! I am so impressed with the condition of you skin. You really must keep us updated. I don’t understand why you think you should use hyperpigmentation cream, as I think your skin is in beautiful condition.