I have been monitoring this board for well over a year and I have been reluctant to pull the trigger on LHR due to all of the negative posts claiming that it doesn’t work. However, there are people out there who claim LHR has worked for them. Therein lies the dilema. Who is right, and who is wrong? I decided that this procedure has to work for most people or the “free market” would come in and shut all of these clinics down with negative press. Besides that, what agenda would people like LAGirl or all of the other regular posters have by pumping LHR? Not enough posters push clinics for me to think that there is some mass conspiracy to get people to do LHR.
I recently got a new job making a lot more money than I was 1 year ago. I’ve decided that I’m going to take the extra money I will make over the next 12 months and invest it in myself. Part of my plan will include LHR. The other part will include me getting off my ass and getting back into shape like I was before college. But that is neither here nor there.
A little about myself: I am a male in my upper mid 20s. My hair is very dark and my skin, for the most part, is very pale. From what I’ve read on the boards, that makes me a prime canidate for LHR. I have an obscene amount of excess body hair on my legs, arms, chest, abs, and small of my back. Those are the areas I wish to clear of hair. My legs are far and away the worst part of my body as far as excess hair goes. I can’t even tell you the last time I wore shorts. It must have been well over 10 years. That will be my main target for reduction.
My expectations: I don’t think I expect as much as most people on the forums. I really would like some type of sizeable reduction (I don’t like to put a percentage to it because I don’t think percentages properly quantify results.) and a substantial thinning and pigment reduction of my hair. I will consider anything that resembles the above or better a success.
I don’t want to spend my life savings on this, so I am going to say I want to go for 4 or 5 treatments. However, this isn’t set in stone. If I see that this is working and more treatments will be beneficial, I will go forward with more treatments. However, I don’t want to go once, be discouraged, and never really give LHR a chance. So I’ve decided to go for a minimum of 4 and save judgement on its effectiveness until then.
Below are pictures of my legs, chest, and arms. I will post again after tomorrow’s consultation and give the details on what was said. Hopefully you can give me some feedback and direction to make sure that I am approaching this the right way.
Sorry about the long post. I tend to be very long winded and analytical when I explain things. I will try to shorten my posts in the future.