My IPL Journey in Copenhagen

Hi all,

How to start this? I want to share my story in (hopefully by the time) permanent hair removal, which I have just begun. It’s going to be from the perspective of a bit shy and easily intimidated girl - me, hah.

Some months ago I posted in the ‘Share your Feelings’ section because I was very sad with my sort of hairy situation. I was so happy by the response and genuinely appreciate it!
Spider legs, oh spider legs :((

Also I read a fellow Dane’s story here; I think that describes my situation quite well.
My IPL treatment results thread
There are only IPL machines in Copenhagen, and the one clinic with a laser recommends IPL.

So I guess that is what I’m going to go with! :))

It’s soon my 21rst birthday and as a pre-gift I have booked a consultation with Nygaart - a well known clinic in Copenhagen. I’m excited and nervous at the same time about going.
The hairs to be removed will be under legs, armpits and… oh my gosh, Brazilian! With a twist. I want to leave some hairs in front, triangle shaped, in case I regret later in life. It can easily be waxed/shaved off anyway is my thinking. A little triangle won’t trouble me.

Furthermore, my sister of 18 has requested if she could come with me to the consultation as she herself is interested in a Brazilian too. It will be good with some company.

What I didn’t know a few months back when I posted is that my mom (!) actually has had IPL treatments done in her bikini-line. Turns out she did it 10 years ago at Nygaart without ever telling me. She had two treatments and then she was sorted. Never a hair grew back.
This news fills me with hope in my own situation. I have the same sort of hair as my mom - I dare say darker and more course though - so permanent hair removal doesn’t seem as distant.
Also this summer I worked, worked, and worked which left me with no leisure time to get tanned, so I am as pale as ever. White as a ghost - that should help too. (Pictures posted in my “Spiderleg” thread looks yellow but it’s the light.)

Okay, more than enough babbling from me. I will update this weekend after my visit to the clinic!

Take care of yourselves so long :))

So I visited the clinic today. Whaaahh, I looked like a tramp in my trainers, training tights and jacket compared to the other customers. So did my sister in ruined shoes - one wouldn’t think any of us can afford what we’re about to pay for! Regardless, we were greeted with professional attitude and offered something to drink. The place looked very fine. Dare I say very expensive with a lot of secretaries!

Filled out a form and then the surgeron(?)/doctor(?)/hair-remover(?) - what is it called, haha? I’m gonna go with Miss H came for a handshake and lead us to the consultation room. It consisted of a medical bed type of thing and a chair. My sister rapidly sat down on the chair, great.
She told us a bit about the Ellipse machine, and then proceeded on to see the hair in my troubled areas. First legs which she took a picture of, then armpits and another picture and then my personal area aaaand… picture. I might regret I crossed ‘Yes’ in the scheme to use my pictures anonymously on their website. But if it can help others in my situation…
I let my sister stay in the room, provided she didn’t stare when I had my undies down :))
Miss H stayed professional during the entire time and my short awkwardness had no effect whatsoever, which is reassuring for me.

She told us I was a good candidate for the IPL with very pale skin and dark hair. The light would aim for any pigmentation and since my skin barely had any, she could turn up the strength with little to no risk of burning me. And at the same time get better results.

The practitioner even showed us her own armpits in which she had had 5 treatments and hadn’t had a treatment for 1½ year. Boy, did they look good!! I could hardly see any hairs (only some very very ultra thin and fine ones if I squeezed my eyes)! She did not have pitch black hair like I do but more dark brown, so my sister got very hyped when she saw. She has brownish hair and wants treatments too.

About 4-10 times is the number of treatments I should expect. I asked quite a few of the questions the thread “What to ask your practitioner” suggests. Sadly, they have no guarantees for anything. As Miss H said when people had regrowth of hair it was due to hormones changing, and people not eligible for treatment was told at the consultation and thus sieved from. Over 50% of the people with my hair/skin were treated there and I can expect 90% hair reduction.

Hopefully I can begin treatment next week. Gosh, I am not looking forward to the Brazilian but I sure as heck am looking forward to when it’s done!! I am pretty sure that in the moment when it’s being done I will be so embarrassed I can’t look myself into the eyes in any mirror for at least a month after. It’ll be worth it.

Afterwards I invited my sister to a delicious avocado-chicken sandwich, where we celebrated I had now begun something I’ve wished for ever since I came in puberty. After that we went into a bakery and had a Christmas heart.

Please, everyone stay safe so long :)) x

Did you get a test spot done? You should do that and make sure you get good shedding before you spend any money and make commitments. You’re also very close to many other cities that might have great machines. I would look into all options first. For example, I Googled and found this hospital might have GentleLASE: Merete Haedersdal Bispebjerg University Hospital. This place has LightSheer diode: This place has Syneron eLase

Wow, you are amazing, LAgirl. I swear I googled and googled and only found IPL! So embarrassing you found these when you are not even Danish!

I am afraid it’s too late with the test spot. Didn’t get any at the consultation and today I had my first treatment done. Here’s how it went:

I never ever ever EVER in my life have experienced anything as painful as this. I realize now when people write about how painful it is, it is no kidding! I will write more about that later.

So yesterday I shaved my personal area as I did not feel like waking up at 5am to get that done. Yes, it’s that bad. For the people that love too much information: I cut myself in the butt and had to ask my sister to help me shave in the behind. Oh dear, haha.

Today I woke up and shaved legs and armpits. Went to shower and then went off to Nygart. I was extremely nervous in the waiting room… I did not feel like spreading legs to a stranger, but on the other hand, I’ve wanted this for like forever.

So Miss H came and took me into the room. She suggested we did the legs first, so I got a feeling of how the machine was. I agreed, hell, she probably knows best what to do first with newbies.
Gel was smudged over my legs and the IPL was ready. I asked what “level” it was on, the answer was 16 to test for a start. The IPL zapped/lit up on my skin and wooosh, it hurt quite a bit but my pain threshold is high so I could stand it. Which I informed Miss H of. After she lit me, she asked if I could feel any burning, which I could not so she turned the IPL up to 17. I think it’s 17J/cm2. The pain was stronger, no doubt.
She exclaimed, that she could actually hear my hair crackle for each zap = good, and that the red bumps I got right after = good.

Minimum on the machine is 8 and maximum 20. I have a hard time imagining I could go any higher up on the scale.

It felt like very hot and very sharp and very many needles going into my skin at the same time. (I take it’s the heat through all my hair down to the roots I could feel…)

On my legs where my hair was thickest and most dense it obviously hurt the most (at my angles). At the back of my leg on the muscles where my hair is light and thin and not dense I could barely feel a thing. The IPL will not have any effect there - not something I mind I like light, thin hairs.

Miss H also noticed I had hairy feet so to my happy surprise she did the little area there too. Very nice but as the hair was very thin and the pain close to non-existent, she thought the effect would be small.

Next up was armpits. A lot of pain!!! Thankfully, the area is very small so there was not that many painful ‘zaps’. Furthermore, the machine got turned down to 16J/cm2 due to the density of the hair.

Out of curiosity I asked her how far the light would reach down in the skin (because I think my hairs go very deep, haha). It reaches down 1cm approximately.

Now to the really bad part I’ve been trying to postpone. It blackens for my eyes just thinking how painful it actually was… So. I have super thick hairs with high density in that area. They are the blackest of the blackest. The IPL light absolutely loved them. But the pain. Whaahh, shivers down my spine.
… My body. It uncontrollably gibbed big time for each zap. I was scared I was gonna knee Miss H in the face!! I bit myself in the tongue!!
I forgot to breathe and got so dizzy. I had to ask for a break and she got me some water. We had about 4 breaks total because the pain was unbearable. The feeling of hot needles. Far far into my skin! Ughh. In the triangle area it was very very bad. Labia, puuuhhh, baadddd!!! Inside them where there is little hair growth…- can’t even talk about it. My body literally jumped. My bumhole, yeah bad, and it burned for about 30 minutes after. Tears sprinkled from my eyes without actually wanting them to or feeling like crying.
Machine was on 13J/cm2 in this area.

It effing hurt so much.

I think my body was in a minor shock due to the pain levels I had been in, because I biked the wrong way to school. I was a goner the next hour, haha.

I just came home from school and my sister and I was excited to see how my skin looks now (specially private area). It’s pinkish due to a lot of red dots. I don’t care really, it’s how my skin down there normally would react a few days after a shave, so no big difference in my life anyway, haha. Actually my hairs already pop a bit out of my skin, so for the fun of it I tried to pull one out with my nails. It just slided out! Went on to my legs and got the same result. I can never pluck my hairs with my nails, so I guess this is a really good sign!??

And to answer LAgirl. I haven’t bought a “package” of a fixed number of treatments. I pay for each, and if I haven’t seen a bit hair reduction in 3 months time, I am not coming to Nygart again. So I am not committed, however I have spend the first amount of money there. 2900DKK (~455USD). If this doesn’t work, I’m so happy you’ve found these other options :))

I know it takes time to see results, for the next few weeks I will be more or less hairless and then the regrowth kicks in. I will update again around Christmas or when I remember if I forgot something!

Any questions, any observations - feel free to share :))

Please, take care of yourselves, everyone! x

Please don’t waste your money on IPL treatments. All it did was stimulate growth and my money went down the drain. Is electrolysis out of the question? An improved laser above would also be better than IPL.

Awww, we’ll see how it is in a few months but as of now wasting the first bunch of money is too late :((
I won’t say it’s out of the question - I haven’t found any on google - because if anyone with mad googling skills comes around!

What sort of hair type and skin do you have, Lara07? Just curious :)) I hope your hair situation is better now!

Forgot to mention: I’m type two skin. Machine has no inbuilt cooler. Total treatment took one hour.

You don’t need to wait 3 months. All hair should shed within 3 weeks. If it doesn’t, I would move on.

The problem with IPLs sometimes is that you actually get shedding, but the hair is just stunned and not permanently killed. So you don’t know that the treatments are not that effective until you’ve gotten 6 or so.

Heya all,
Hope you’re alright.

It’s been 15 days now since the treatment and here’s how I’ve been in the meantime.

Firstly, I posted on the day of the treatment how I could just pull some hairs out with my nails like they slided out of melted butter. I think that was pure luck because later that day I tried again and quite a few were thoroughly stuck! I felt at loss and disappointed. Alas it was only day one so I armored myself with patience.

Now I’m pretty much hairless in my private area, I’d say 95%. The hairs were pushed more and more out and then I couldn’t help but help them on their way… they put up zero resistance lol.
This might sound weird but it has given me so much confidence that I have not had to worry about my bikini line at all when wearing a dress and thongs. It looks very good in the mirror, and I don’t mind showering at all in my gym now.
There is a minor patch that has been overlooked but I wonder if it’s too small to call the clinic for… also if I want to go through transport and pain for just one small patch.

My legs have barely shed any hairs and also they are incredibly slow growing out. Usually after I’ve shaved legs I can go like four days before my pride makes me shave them again. I have only shaved them once (due to a party) though it wasn’t really necessary. I can pluck any hair on my legs and it goes out without resistance, so I think it’s mostly a matter of time before my body pushes them out. They need a bit more time to shed.

Same goes for my armpits. Incredibly UNusually slow growth! Usually I have to shave them every second day. I’ve shaved them twice in this time interval only because of the party and a gym date, though there really wasn’t any need for it. Due to the shaving it’s also hard to tell if there has been any shedding but judging by the looks of my under arms skin, it has a very pleasant natural skin colour - as opposed to the dark shade of stubble after a shave! So maybe 75% shedding? Hmm, I just felt the skin there and I shaved five days ago and it feels baby soft, so definitely a good shed!

I might ask Miss H to increase the settings on my legs and under arms next time if my skin can handle it. Yes, it will probably be painful but on the other hand there will hopefully not be as much hair in the next growth cycle so the pain will be less.

I am both excited and frightened by the coming months. Excited to see how much hair the next growth cycle brings and frightened to see it all again.

I can upload some pictures if there is interest in them or for some curious souls…?

Until then, may you all have luck in your own journeys - be it hair removal or other dreams. xxxx

Hello everybody,

Second treatment is today. This time I’m more prepared with painkillers.

The regrowth all places has been I’d say 100%. Maybe less dense but hardly noticable.

Soon summer is here, so really look forward to be summer-ready! (Yes, I know I know, there won’t be a big difference after second treatment but still short hairless period.)

I hope you’re all fairing well and in healthy states. xxx

Good luck!

Thank yoouu, camero!

So a bit feeling hopeless update is coming.

The hairs have shed just fine on legs and arm pits around 10 days ago. Now the regrowth is coming and it saddens me so much to see, that the density is just about the same : (( I fear LAgirl is right regarding IPL.

Bikini area, buttski and labia the hair also shed there. Strangely enough in the entire triangle area, barely any hairs shed. Firstly, the hair grew extremely slow. I had a little spot where miss H missed zapping me and they grew at normal speed and beyond. After a while the hairs in triangle area stopped growing. It’s been 4 weeks and they have not grown for 2! No shedding, yet they are stubbornly stuck but not growing in length.
So I called in to the clinic, and miss H really wanted to get a look at it, which she got. She was baffled and had “never tried that before”. Why thank you for knowing every possible outcome. She suggested perhaps the machine had stopped working right in the area, but that’s too much of a coincidence to be so. I swear, the pain told it me was working!!
She decided to retreat the area, shaved all the hair off and zapped me. The pain was bearable compared to earlier, so I don’t have high expectations for it to work.

It’s safe to say I may have spent the last money in this clinic. Why do I always have to be a strange case. Guess my hair really is beyond ordinary, sigh.

Be good everyone, and obviously wishing you better luck! xxx